The Thawing

My title is not fit for the upcoming season. But lately I feel like things have been breaking through the ice due to thawing. Not literal ice, you know? I mean in a metaphorical way.

Just ignore that. My thoughts are very very whimsical. Anyway, I come to you at the beautiful time of 2:30 pm to bring you a story of my very entertaining life.

Joke's on you, I was writing my story and left this tab open. Now it's 3:38 pm, and there is a pan of uncooked brownies in a preheated oven.

Now it's 4:53 pm, and my family is going out for grocery shopping. I have to get ready to go to my youth meeting.

I AM BACK AND IT IS 9:54 PM. I LITERALLY HAVE AN HOUR LEFT TO BE AWAKE. I STAYED AT THE MASJID FOR TOO LONG. But anyway, let me get a new blog post in before the day ends.

So, I... ughhhhhhhhh I don't wanna go into the deets of my day because it was very uneventful. WAIT NO IT WASN'T HOW CAN I SAY THAT WHEN THE PLUMBERS CAME TO MAH HOUSE. Actually that's boring so I'm not gonna talk about it. My entire day was uneventful so I'm just gonna talk about something completely off-topic.

Or maybe it's on-topic because there wasn't really a topic to begin with. Anyway my point is... personality traits are seen so differently on a person depending on their age.

I know, it's weird. Let me elaborate.

Like, let's say there are two sisters, one older than the other. The older one is more sociable and talkative, and the younger one is shy and reserved. This seems fitting because the older sister knows her way around and she loves people and this makes her appear independent in her role as the older sister. And the younger sister sticks mostly to her sister and keeps to herself, evidently because she is the younger one and doesn't know her way around yet or as much as her older sister. However, if these traits are switched around, meaning the younger sister is more sociable and talkative while the older one is more reserved, the younger one is all of a sudden viewed as still immature and unknowing of when to say the right things. Talking is viewed as immature when it's a trait of the younger sister. And quietness of the older sister shows maturity and knowing when to say what, and it shows wisdom.

Makes sense? I just don't get how this works. I am sociable but at the same time reserved. So is my sister, but those traits are viewed differently based on our roles as siblings. It just doesn't make any sense. Why is it that when the younger sibling takes on a trait of the older sibling, that sibling is suddenly immature and naive?

Yes, that is all I wanted to say. Good bye :)

Until next time! :)


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