The Spooky, Eerie, Sadistic, Chilling Truth Behind Halloween

Well, tonight's a quiet night. I expect everyone is out trick or treating...?

Is it permissible for Muslims to celebrate Halloween?

It's the ceremony of the devil, to say the least. I don't know if people, namely Muslims, who celebrate this holiday know the history behind it, because the history is quite chilling. And not the good chilling you like to feel when you watch a horror movie. The spooky, eerie, sadistic chilling.

Let me educate you. Sit down.

The origin of Halloween goes all the way back to the time of pagans, when it was called the Celtic Day of the Dead. On this day, the Druids would try to please their lord of the dead, Samhain. October 31 marked the eve of the Celtic New Year, and on this night, it was believed that the souls of dead people entered the land of the living and roamed around. Among these dead souls were also devils, witches, and spirits, all of which on this night were full of power.

Halloween was the night of games which involved fortune-telling. Superstitious nonsense, such as throwing the apple over one's shoulder, was committed in attempt to tell one's destiny.

This holiday was later Christianized by the Pope of the eighth century, because he didn't approve of the evil practices associated with the holiday. So he made November 1st All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day. This was a day to remember Christians who died fighting for their faith. Therefore, October 31st marked All Hallows' Eve, or later named Halloween.

Now that you are aware of the history of this holiday, please take some time to understand why we as Muslims should not celebrate it or engage in any sort of related activity.

Why shouldn't we dress up in costumes? This was done solely so that the spirits of the dead would not recognize anyone. Sometimes the Druids would sacrifice animals or even humans and dress in their skins. In said attire, these Druids would involve themselves in fortune-telling. Today, kids dressing up in costumes represent these spirits.

Why can't we go trick or treating? One, it's not nice to play tricks on anyone. Two, asking for candy is like begging, and begging in Islam is highly disliked. Prophet Muhammad SAW discouraged it. The Druids would go house to house asking for certain types of food, and if they were not given what they asked for, it was believed that an evil curse would engulf the house and horrible things would happen to the inhabitants. People offering candy to costume-clad kids represent those who wanted to please the spirits.

Don't make Jack O' Lanterns. The legend behind these scary-faced pumpkin torches says that a man named Jack once enjoyed playing tricks on the evil spirits. When this man died, he neither went to heaven or hell, but instead had to permanently wander around in the dark, holding a lantern in order to find his way. And hollowed-out pumpkins were the perfect material for said lanterns. These lanterns were also said to scare evil spirits away. Jack O' Lanterns are considered symbols of Halloween's past.

Just don't involve yourself with anything related to Halloween, please, because like I said, it's the ceremony of the devil. The devil is evil and we don't play with evil. Dangerous and evil things can happen on Halloween, like kidnapping and worse, rape. Secondly, why would you ever let your children roam the neighborhood late at night? Anything can happen at night. Anything. And now there's this nonsense with killer clowns... people in this generation are becoming less educated by the day.

Halloween is basically shirk. Making partners with Allah. Putting on costumes, begging for candy, believing you are protecting yourself from evil spirits. This is wrong why? Because you as a Muslim know that only Allah can protect you, and not some silly costume that another human made. If you don't believe Allah can protect you, then you don't really trust or believe in Him, do you? Now don't think that just because this holiday has been modernized throughout the years, that it is okay for you to celebrate it. I just know you're thinking, "But I'm just dressing up for fun and going out to get candy. What's the problem with that?" Well, you're contributing to a tradition which encourages worship of Shaytaan. Do not disregard the history; it's all true. Don't think it's okay to engage in such practices in this modern day and age.

(credits go to this lovely website -- thank you for the info!)

Muslims should not engage in any holiday that offends their religion or God or Prophets. Christmas for example, celebrates the "birth" of Prophet Isa. We shouldn't involve ourselves with that. We don't celebrate birthdays, for starters, and to celebrate a prophet's birthday is very disrespectful. The best way to remember a prophet is to relive their stories in surahs and hadiths. 

Muslims are given only two holidays -- Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Muslims celebrate only after they've done laborious work for Allah. We fast thirty consecutive days in Ramadan, and celebrate after with Eid al-Fitr, which literally translates to "Ceremony of the [Fast] Breaking." We migrate to Makkah in Dhul Hijjah to perform Hajj. We celebrate after with Eid al-Adha, where we continue the practice of Prophet Ibrahim, which is slaughtering an animal.

Don't these holidays make so much more sense to celebrate?

I wrote this post because I have friends, Muslim friends, who celebrate Halloween. Who think it's okay to wish others a Happy Halloween. Who go trick or treating and dress up. I dedicated this post to them because I love them and I want to set them straight. I don't want them to engage in anything that offends their religion. For the sake of you guys, I wrote this post, and from this day on, please never engage in Halloween for as long as you live. For the sake of Allah, and for the sake of entering Jannah.

Until next time!<3


  1. Salamu Alykum!

    Another Muslimah here!

    I totally agree with you. I mean, everyone loves candy and all, but we must always hope that Allah (swt) will give you better for your abstinence. Jannah.

    Thank you for writing this post...... Now I must find a way to get my friend to read this without her thinking that I'm trying to preach.

    1. Wassalaam Queen! Jazakillah khayran katheeran... may we all be guided to the straight path, Allahumma Ameen.


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