Done for the Day

Today was a short day. My English teacher came back and we had a session today.

I hate using the computers in the college library because their keyboards are too loud and also very clackety which therefore makes typing very unenjoyable. There are only very few computers there that have nice keyboards.

Anyway, I only had time to have a cup of coffee in the morning (7:10 or so) and I managed to survive without food until about 11:20 and my stomach started to make noises in class. Then I ate a granola bar during our break and I managed to survive for another four hours. After I prayed Asr, I got myself some Sour Patch Watermelons from the vending machine. I wasn't hungry for them, but I decided I'd get a snack. So, I can safely say I've survived eight whole hours with minimal intake of food. And may I add that even as I got home, I wasn't that hungry. And I wasn't weak either. IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE COFFEE KEEPING MY SPIRITS UP.

So, we got our grades back for the test retake and I was kind of excited to see my grade because I think I did pretty well, and BOOM. There was a frickin' 43 on the front wth. My friend R was looking at his own and he was like, "Yessss! 70." And I kept quiet because I didn't wanna tell him my grade but finally I said, "This is awful." And I showed him the paper. R was like "Oooo."

"I know! I thought I did better this time," I said. "Oh, well, at least he's gonna keep the higher grade."
"Yeah," said R.
We both went back to our seats. "Rest in peace me," I said as I sat down.
R laughed. We talked a little about the next test, and then he looked around the room. "Wow, it's just us today," he said.

Sure enough, we were the only students in the room. I was like, wow, today will be a very interesting day if we are the only participants today. The teacher came in and taught his lesson for about ten minutes, and then the rest of the people came in. We talked about ways to save energy and then we finished around 12:00. I stayed in the classroom, browsing through my social medias, waiting for Dhuhr time to come in. While I waited, the teacher came in and told us we could get started on our lab right away if we wanted to so we could leave early.

I left the room after Dhuhr came in and saw R sitting outside using his phone. "Hey, R," I said. "Prof said we could start on the lab right now if we want to leave early."
"Oh, really?" R asked.
"Yeah," I said. I took a step away. "I'm gonna go somewhere..."
"Okay. Thank you!" he said, and headed for the classroom.

I went to student life and prayed Dhuhr. Then I headed right back for the classroom and started on the lab. Most of the students had stayed in the classroom during break time, so most of them were aware of the fact that we could start on lab right away. I kept thinking the whole time, "LOL them kids that be walkin out and chillin have no idea." And when all of us left early I thought, "LOL them kids that be walkin out are gonna come back at 1:00 and be like where da hell is everyone and then prof gon be like ay kids dey did deir lab befo u so u gon be here all alone m8 hahah"

Anyway, I went to the library and sat down at a clackety computer because someone else was at the computer with the keyboard I like. And I started to write.

What happened after that was kinda boring so I'm just gonna skip to when I came home around 5:20 summin'. I had a song stuck in my head. It was a mashup of Price Tag and Kun Anta by Raef WHICH IS THE BEST THING EVER TO ME ATM and so I'm just lying down on my bed and my sister's on her own bed and I'm playing candy crush while singing that song. And she's like stop singing that.
"Singing what?" I asked, knowing the answer already.
"That song."
"Cuz it's gonna get stuck in my head."
GEEEEEZE. And then after that, I was freaking out as candy crush was getting really dramatic and my sister's like, "Stop being annoying."
"I'm not being annoying," I said. "I'm being myself."
"Yeah, so stop."
"Don't tell me who to be," I said. "And let me sing what I wanna sing."
"Your loss," she said.
Older sisters >.> where is her logic even

Anyway, it's 9pm and I have two hours left ot stay up and write my book. Hasta laaaaaa vistaaaa !!!

Until next time! :)


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