I Feel Grimy

'Cause I am grimy.

Oh my God I'm supposed to write a poem for my friend.

Oh my God I had such a day.

Oh my God I'll have such another day tomorrow.

Hey so I went to Jumuah with my favorite sister and favorite brother and then after the prayer I walked to my friend Aas's house to have lunch and help prepare some food for tomorrow's BBQ. Aas gave me my new tie-dye shirt which looks AMAZE!!! I told her it looks like a target so I can wear it at archery tomorrow. And I know I mentioned before that I wouldn't be able to attend archery, but Dad had to be awesome and tell me that the volunteering site is no more than 5 minutes' driving distance away from the masjid where my archery session is held. So inshaAllah he's gonna take me to archery! I think my dad is amazing!

Aas put henna on my nails.

(About 14 hours later)

I wrote that last night. Now it's tomorrow. My day of service was ... paintful. We painted a shed and part of the house and I couldn't stay because I had archery but when I went to the masjid things happened and turns out no archery session like ughhh I want to post this now and I'll tell you all later, but for now...

Until next time! :)


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