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Day 113 of 366

I see no reason to bother with an introduction. For the viewers' experience, I can understand why it might be necessary, but this is simply a blog, not a novel of any sort. Although, I do aspire to write novels for a living, which is why I'm here, funnily enough. I've been needing to come back to this blog for several reasons, mostly to exercise my writing muscles. I haven't been writing my actual book, and according to ChatGPT, one of the reasons for writer's block is perfectionism, which is definitely something getting in the way of my writing.  I do use ChatGPT. It's a very helpful tool for asking specific questions that Google would deem a challenge. Although perhaps the answer is there, deeper into the search, but users won't typically look for their answers past the first few links. Of Google, according to recent news, everyone needs to collectively boycott Google for its recently fired employees. Look it up if you haven't heard about it. Don't

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