Class, 'Mates, Friends and Cake

So busy this week! Classes are finishing up next week. My English classes had its last session on Monday. My composition of effort is close to blooming! I need to make a cover pic doe.

Why did I feel like I had so much to -- oh, right. Let's begin.

Monday, April 27, 2015
I had my last English session from 10am to 11am. After talking about our final presentations, we played a vocabulary game called Stump the Teacher! The way you play is, you find a vocabulary word you think your teacher won't know the meaning of, and when your turn comes in class, you say your word and the teacher is supposed to try her best at defining the given word. If she cannot define it, you've stumped her/you've won! My word was pyknic, which means "rounded or fat build or structure of physical state." None of my classmates could guess the word, and as my teacher could not guess it either, it was my first time ever stumping my teacher. (And classmates! :D Hehehe)

I'll skip to Quran class. My sister, with a slight allergy to apples, did not come with me due to a stomachache caused by an apple she consumed earlier that day. When the teacher asked me where my sister was that day, I said, "She's not feeling very well. She has a stomachache because she ate an apple." And then a little girl who happened to be there at the desk laughed. But I don't think the teacher heard the apple part because she looked at the little girl laughing and said, "Why you laughing?"

But anyway, at one point I was reciting to the teacher. Under the teacher's desk are a few balls, okay? Pink and light blue rubber balls. Don't ask because I don't know what the saucy cheeseball they're doing down there. My teacher (let's call her Sis H) likes to roll them around with her feet as she watches us and listens to us. So my friend Alh and I were at Sis H's desk, Alh trying to remember her surah (I think) and me practicing. Actually I think we were both practicing and Sis H was just chilling. Sis H rolled the balls around as usual, and Alh flapped her hand in front of her nose. Sis H was like, "It's not me, it's the balls." And I, surprised at Alh's improper behavior, made a disgusted face, which Sis H looked at and assured me, "It's the balls."

"I know," I replied.

"Then why is your face like this?" Sis H asked.

Pointing at Alh, I said, "'Cause she's weird!"

Sis H looked at Alh. "Who, Alh?"

"Yess," I said, internally ROFLing. But externally I was giggling very politely.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I cleaned the house and prepared ingredients for ECC (Everyday Chocolate Cake). My ninja student whom I shall call SA came over at 9am, and we chilled with a short room tour and then we mathed until 9:50, when I had to prepare myself for my geology class. Whilst class was going on, I made the cake and SA watched my class, while also watching me make the cake, while also watching my food channel on YT which I wish to revive one day. After my class we mathed again, but then she had to leave at 12pm. So I packed up the searing hot cake and gave it to her. SA, 'twas fun having you!! Please come again! ;)

Then, um, nothing happened later. Heh.

Until next time!! :)


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