Much Excite

This week has been a full pizza week. Totes. I had pizza FOUR CHEESEBALL DAYS in a row. Monday the day I first made it. Tuesday the day I second made it. Wednesday Brother H made three pizzas (O_O). Thursday, in Qur'an class, someone finished the Qur'an, so there was a little pizza and ice cream party in the gym/multipurpose hall. I'll just call it a gym because it IS a gym. If the place has basketball hoops and a huge floor, it's a gym.

And on Friday, I forg--- no, I remember. Went to Jumooah as always (and I spelled it like that for fun) and took a friend to the leebraaaarie for a few hours then sent her home. Then at home I made some brownies with peanut butter chips, which tasted amaze. Then at Maghrib time I went to the masjid for the YM halaqa that actually already happened. It's k, 'cause I went to the book club which was pretty awesome too! Basically all they do is talk about ayahs in certain surahs that stick out to them. Not sure if you all know about my blog called Reflection Collection which also does the same thing. and, yeah, I didn't update it since, like, a year ago, but I'm hoping to revive it. Soon. Very soon.

Then, on Saturday, archery resumed. OMG ARCHERY RESUMED!!! ^^ YAY :D !! Yeah, so, I think my skills have deteriorated because I shot the net and I usually hit the red or yellow. Or anywhere on the target, at least. Maybe it was because I shared a target with two others. Or maybe because I don't usually stand at the end of the gym. Or maybe just because just because. And Mummeh stayed for the whole thing and she practiced shooting too. I think Mummeh has never done archery in her whole life. I think S is like Mummeh, because S thinks archery is boring. Anyway, movin' on.

So liek, I went with a friend and a couple others and a friend named Kbar to a homeless teenager refugee place. It was amaze and it was bigger than it looked from the outside. The prom room was like, O_O. Too bad S didn't go 'cause she'da liked it. When Kbar was taking Friend Sm home, I went to the front door with her 'cause I wanted to see her kitty cat because I haven't seen/been upclose with an animal in AGES. Tbh I haven't been in nature in general for ages. And dat makes me feel terrible about my life. Aghhh X_X

Anyway, yea. I'll probs get more pizza today because there's an open house at Bayyinah campus!!! :D Until next time! :)

I just remembered the point of this post. I wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating Rant Files. I just recently have not had anything to rant about that is appropriate to put up for the public 'n all dat jazz, so, yea. Thanks for understanding! <3


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