
Something I find very irritating is when people leave pens open. Whenever I'm told to write a grocery list and people take time to think what I should write, I keep the pen closed, and I have to keep opening it and closing it because the people take what feels like an hour. I wrote this because there's a cup containing pens nearby and I noticed that a pink pen was open. After an internal cringe, I took it out, closed it, and put it back. Boo yah! That was the pen I was looking for last night.

Anyway, yes, the camping. Ur hunh hur... it was a loooonnng day. Liek oh gawd. I would need complete silence and ample time to write it all out. And Tuesday is one of my busiest days, so soz peeps. Maybe tomozz. HURR HURR APRIL FEWLZ YOU AIN'T NEVER GITTIN' NO BLOG POST LOLZ

I would never do that, of course. Please, don't be gullible.

I'm hungry. My lip is in pain.

So this post won't cover anything about part two of camping, and I'm sorry to those who get a new post notification all excited to read more about my endless adventures, and I hope you understand. Now, I wanted to reflect on a couple things. *grabs mirror and reflects self on everything*

No but seriously. I just had a geology class (rocks and minerals) about the mineral called Apatite. I just wonder how people can find differences in chemical compositions and differentiate certain minerals from others. Additionally, it's amazing how they derive all and most names from the Greek language. Apatite is derived from the Greek word apate, meaning deceit, and the reason behind this name is that gem varieties are often confused with other minerals. I mean, the minerals aren't just named for their color, place of origin, technique of occurrence, et cetera. How do geologists come up with these names? Do they just make them up? What if those aren't their real names and Allah actually named them something different? Or what if they don't have names? Then I just think, Allah decreed for so many minerals to have the names they do now. Yeah, obviously, but I just find it so amazing. I'm sorry I was unable to get my point across. Sorry. Yeah. Got to transfer to another subject. Uhmm.

What was the other thing I wanted to reflect on? Was that the only thing? Well, sometimes I wonder why some states are named what they are named. Maybe I should stop wondering about everything and take a geography class.

I also wonder why bananas are called bananas.

N, shut yer chitterchat, girlie!! Until next time! ;)


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