
Tuesday was the first day of digital imaging class. I was kind of late because Hamzah was taking forever to get ready. But all was good, the teacher hadn't gone into the class work yet and hadn't even called roll. I walked in there and he was like, "Hello!"

I looked around. Everyone was sitting at a computer. It looked like they were all occupied. Am I supposed to sit at a computer? I thought.

"Aaand we're out of computers," Mr. Black said, answering my question.

I headed towards the table in the middle of the room and began pulling out a chair, but Mr. Black said, "Wait, let me hand you the syllabus." He gave me a white sheet of paper, which I accepted, and I then began to sit down.

Then someone said there was an available computer, and sure enough there was one, right in the very corner of the room. Gratefully, I headed towards the corner computer and parked myself and my stuff right there.

We went over the syllabus, and then we finally started using Photoshop. Mr. Black held up a plastic bag and asked us, "What is this?" At first I wanted to say "trash bag" and I thought he was gonna give us a lecture about being clean and throwing things in the trash, but after a bunch of people said "plastic bag," he said it was a "magic bag." And then he put it in the scanner and literally scanned the trash bag.

And then he pulled up the scan on his computer and showed us the bag. He had us put a bunch of effects on the bag which made it look super cool, and the guy next to me helped me out. During our break, he asked me, "So I'm guessing you've never used this program before?"

And I replied, "I've never used--yeah, I've never used this before." (I'm so awkward, I have to stutter and stammer every time I open my mouth. Sigh.)

He laughed.

After class let out at 12 something, I met up with one of my friends in the lunchroom. We ate and did some homework, and then I had to go home. And I don't remember what I did for the rest of the day.

For the sake of consistency, I'm going to post this, as much I want to post about Wednesday just to get it out of the way. But right now I have a minor headache, so I don't feel like remembering and writing another memoir about my wacky life. So, I'll come back.

Until next time! :)


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