PROMPT: How do you plan to change the world?

Most of the time I feel like I am worth nothing. I don’t feel special in any way, except when people treat me differently from others. The joke is on me; I’m treated differently in the way that others have something against me. However, my “special treatment” does not affect me until a certain limit is reached. I am diligent in keeping myself optimistic and I like myself a lot; perhaps a little too much since I give myself extra attention because I don’t receive it from certain people.

Optimism and self-love is only one of the ways I cope. My other haven is writing. Putting words to paper is the best way for me to channel my negative thoughts and feelings. Being a person of little words, I much prefer to discuss my feelings in silence than verbally. Additionally, there isn’t anyone I know who I can trust with my venting.

Writing helps me find myself and discover my personality. I sometimes have no idea who I really am; I’m a certain person with my family, and another person with peers and strangers. My split personalities made me feel unoriginal at several points in my life and I felt even less special than I already did. Somehow, writing interfered, and I found myself writing a number of different stories about characters with personalities withdrawn from my own split personality. Writing these stories gives me hope and makes me feel like I can do something great. I always feel on top of the world whenever I write anything because I excel in the activity.

I was always curious about why all my peers were so enthused about Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. I’d never read any of the books myself, but the fact that so many people were strongly influenced simply by writing inspired me. I thought to myself, “If just a few books can change and influence millions of people, maybe my books can do the same thing!”

With that thought, I began to write an Islam-centric fictional story. There wasn’t a lot of Islamic fiction out there in the world, and I wanted to change that. I wanted to normalize Islam and make it as popular as the world of Harry Potter or Bilbo Baggins. I created relatable characters so that my audience would realize that Muslims are just regular people. Currently, I’m working on a book to be published very soon, and I hope against all hope that it will fulfill my dream.

I believe strongly in my goal and in my dream. Therefore, I trust that my Islamic fiction books will break stereotypes and other negative thoughts about Muslims, and this is my plan to change the world; with my biggest strength.


Backstory: One person was treating me like crap and I was obviously hurt. And it unearthed my painful past. I was originally writing an essay for a scholarship application. But this came out. I'm not going to submit it. But I need people to know.

Until next time! :)


  1. I relate to this so much! Sometimes it's hard to figure yourself out lol. Can't wait to read your book!


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