Blog Posts Don't Need Titles Sometimes

Hello hello hellooo!! How's y'all? Hopefully I didn't forget ANYTHING that happened to me this week. Ima start from two days ago.

May 19, 2015
At Asr time in Quran class, we lined up to pray. My friend N and her sister Za came towards me to stand next to me. Za stood next to me on my left, and another friend named A was on my right, so what N did was grab her sister by the shoulders, take her out of the line, and stand next to me. "Hey!" said Za. Then Sis H came and took N by the shoulders and said, "You do to her like this, yeah?" And we all giggled nervously. Then Sis H took N with her to the end of the line, and Z, with a triumphant "Hah" to her sister, came and stood beside me again.

May 20, 2015
I was reciting surah Shura to my teacher, and then, N and Z came. We practiced for a few minutes and then we had to pray Asr. This time we were quick and N got to stand beside me. After the prayer, we went back to our chairs, and I recited surah Shura again. When I made my final mistake, Sis H gave me my Quran and said, "You practice this page again." (Gets out of her chair and heads for the other desk.) "After we eat, inshaAllah." and I wuz like YAAASS! (There was a party earlier that day.) And everyone had tissues full of cake, brownies, chips, fluffy Cheetos, and popcorn. (We use tissues cuz we're cool and hobo-like.) The fluffy Cheetos were the best. After N was done eating her fill, she asked Sis H, "Can we play Hangman?" and Sis H is like, "What?"And N is like, "On the whiteboard... can we play Hangman?" And Sis H upturned her hands and shrugged. And N got out of her chair and ran to the whiteboard. She drew the lynch thingy and wrote the blanks. "It's a Disney movie," she said.


By now it was getting obvious. "Toy Story," I said.

N groaned. Z looked at me and said, "You're good!"

We played a few more rounds, and then N told one of the girls, S, to draw me with her eyes closed, and she told another girl, A, to draw her with her eyes closed. I was like, "Umm, NO." but they did it anyway. I had a huge head with glasses and no eyes and omg I can't even remember what my body looked like. A's drawing of N was basically N with really bad plastic surgery. When I saw the drawing of N I was like, "N... did you get plastic surgery?"

Then N wanted to play another game and told me to count for thirty seconds, but by this time we had to get going. Sis H was like, "Okay girls, let's go!" And N was like, "Wait, Sis H!" and Sis H was like, "N...."

So yeah. A pretty eventful day.

May 21, 2015
After Fajr, the power went out. A maintenance guy came today to check on the sinks for a water leak. When he knocked, he practically made me jump out of my seat. I ran to my room and freaked out, then put on my attire and went to open the door enough to fit my face through. I narrowed my eyes at the guy there.

"Hi, I'm just here to check on a water leak. I'll just need to check both bathrooms."

"Okayyy," I said, opening the door wider.

"I'll only take about a minute!" he said, and walked towards the bathroom. He took about a minute, then came back to me and said, "All right, you don't have a leak. Sorry for the disturbance, I didn't set up the job for myself, they just give me the job and I do what they tell me. Have a good day mam!" Then he left and I locked the door behind him. Lul.

So at the masjid we had the awards ceremony. We were kinda late and as I saw people int the room I felt segan (Malay; shy, nervous, self-conscious). I sat behind everyone and then my friend Mard told me to sit beside her. I came and sat beside them and Raad said salam to me. Bro M was talking about life and why we need Quran in it. It was very hilarious cuz the kids wouldn't stop talking. Then Bro M started giving out the trophies. Z got first place for surah Burooj!!!! I was so proud and happy!! S got first place for Hashr and I, as expected, placed 2nd. When I went up to go get the trophy, Raad yelled, "ALLAAAAAAAHU AKBAR!!"

Then we had fewd in the gym. I had two pizza slices and two bowls of ice cream (one that I took for myself and one was Aas's little brother's bowl that he couldn't eat due to allergies). I also had a cupcake. Getting fat like. Well anyhow, there was no class today! YAY! And the last day of Quran class until the next school year is next Thursday!!! Finally a normal life.

Thanks for reading! Tomorrow I'm going to the amusement park again. Please pray the weather is good. :)
Until next time! :)


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