Ode to Adulthood

I've reached the age of eighteen
Happy birthday I've been told
And even though I'm considered young
I really can't help but feel so old.

Only just yesterday was I seventeen
So young and bright and fun
But now that I am eighteen
The time for those is done.

My face is messy and full of zits
Yet still people think I'm in 8th grade
But I suppose those corpulent chubby cheeks
Are why my baby features stayed.

I'm so old but I stand five feet
Will I ever grow taller?
Only time will tell
But the halfway mark I'll probably never meet.

There are so many things I'm now allowed to do
Vote and drive, live by myself
But my naive spirit lives on.
Will it ever be gone?

I hope this year is a year of good
I'll make it better than I ever could
I'll act my age, just as I should
And with that I conclude my ode to adulthood.


So, yeah. I turned 18 on Saturday. No, we didn't do anything special. Although I would have appreciated a few presents. ;3

Anyway, I told myself on that day that I felt somewhat more mature, but I was lying. Haha. Oh, the things I did and didn't! One would think me still a ten year old. I wouldn't blame them.

Umm, so yeah. I don't know what else to say. Oh, I had a hectic day today doing adult things. That's all.

I have to write some stuff, so, ta-ta!

Until next time! :)


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