Malaysian Adventure Series Pt 1: The Beach at PD

 I guess I should be sorry for not telling y'all anything about my vacay. Prepare for a series of posts with captioned photos from the trip. ^_^
'Nuff said
This is for washing your body with after you've totally dirtied yourself at the beach. One time when Granddaddy was washing us off, these security guards were watching us, bewildered, as if the foot wash is only for the feet and not the whole body. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Malaysian security guards stare at you a lot. Everyone in Malaysia stares at you. Once when we were going to a friend's house, this Bas Sekolah (school bus) came up next to us, and everyone inside stared at us. I smiled and waved at one girl who looked haughty. And guess what? She waved back!! x)
#archery #wedidntdothis
This resort was just full of great activities. We didn't have much time there, however. Only three days and two nights. Mostly, all we did was swim. Be it in salt or chlorine water.
That's meee (guess which one)
Making our way to the beach at like 7am. No shower, no nothin. Well, we changed into our clothes, obviously. Not saying we don't sleep with clothes on. Okay, this just got weird. I'm out.
It looks nice, but this is only the nice part of the beach.
Wait, I remember telling S that those were birdprints, and she said they weren't. Can't recall.
Don' need no caption
Can you begin to see the unnice parts of the beach or nah

Could be a nice book cover


Could also be a nice book cover.
I took this amazing picture.
I love bananaboats that don't resemble bananas.

So, all six of us rode this banana boat. It was really fun, and it went so fast that if you stuck your feet in the water, you would send gallons of salty water to the face of the person behind you. Actually, two people behind you, 'because S was behind me and Mum was behind S. Also, Dad and H and I rode the bananaboat a second time to get flipped off into the water. It was fun, but I swear it must have been humiliating for me because it looks ridiculous when you randomly get flipped off of a boat because that doesn't usually happen. Know what I mean?

Me and the bros venturing out to the crab island.
"N! There's an island full of spiders!"
Turns out they were crabs. I mean, why would there be huge spiders at the ocean anyway?
S stole the possible home of a poor hermit crab.

  Except we didn't really use them the way they were made for.
Jetski rider wannabes sitting in filthy water.
I always sit in filthy water at beaches. There's even a 9 year old photo of me sitting in dirty water at a manmade beach. And I'm also wearing purple in that photo.
H about to ride the jetski. He's so cool, yeah?
So H was the first to ride this jetski, and the guy who rode it with him spoke in Malay, and H didn't understand it. During S's and my ride, he said nothing, and it was awkward because he was hovering over me and I was trying my best to not let any part of my body touch him. I got to handle the gas though. He steered for me, which I actually could have done by myself. -__- Guys underestimate girls sooo much.
The breakfasting area.
I had American cereal in here. I'm not Malaysian. Sorreh.
On our last day at the beach, we went to an outdoor market.
I don't really know what putu piring is.
I dunno what satu keping is either.
Malaysian paratha.
We all lurve roti canai. But some like it hot, some like it cold, just like in this photo, likely nine days old.
Probably a fruit I don't favor. But I'm picky. I don't like most Malaysian fruits anyway.
Z was so hot and sweaty, even with shorts and flip-flops. He doesn't wear hijab, long-sleeve shirts, pants, skirts, socks, or shoes. That tells you a lot about Malaysia heat. We had to buy Z some nice cold water.
Z's trying his best to stay in the shade amap. (as much as possible)
Is that a huge broom??? ...anyway, everything you purchase from these kinds of markets always gets wrapped in colorful plastic bags. There can be red, orange, or pink.
Cold drinks. Left to right: Milo Ice, watermelon, and Bandung.
Rambutan in red and yellow!!

Nobody's buying so I guess I'll just abandon my stall for a while
Air Kelapa means coconut water.
My Cousin
Isn't she the cutest?!
These markets get really hot
Like I said before. Oh, that's Granddaddy in the yellow.
Mah purchases from the market
Hijab pins. I bought the gold flower for S and she stared at it for an hour.

Can you believe this is what Z found in the silt under the water?!
This picture should be with the other beach pictures. Whatever.

That's all for now. Prepare for more in the following days! ;D

Until next time! :)


  1. COOOLLLLL....Hahah I don't know why but Im thinking your just like a tourist..LOL..and putu piring is really deliciouso !Tell me more!

    1. Yeah? Well, I don't exactly look Malaysian so I might as well be a tourist... hehehe.... what is putu piring?

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