When Things Are Looking Up...

...there's no point in looking elsewhere. - Maryrose Wood

My teacher is still a B. I figured out (WITHOUT HER HELP) why my website wasn't showing up on the server. It's because she didn't tell us to upload the REST of our web page files to the server too. So my website's finally on there in all its beauty (check it out here if you like: http://patti-bee.dcccd.edu/imed1416/fahzy/).

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I got a 100 for project D, which was implementing CSS into my website. It was challenging at first and I didn't feel like reading through allll the lecture notes. So I watched videos on the material instead. (basically teaching myself the material like always .-.)

I'm lost so let me list what I need to talk about in this post.

- Monday {fire alarm, crying at school AGAIN
... that's all.

*deep inhale*

Right, here we go.

Monday started out as a pretty horrible day for me. I was supposed to meet with a friend but circumstances did not allow us to meet. So I took that pretty hard and moped around in bed, crying silently, watching videos under the blanket, and so on.

Please understand that I had good reason to be upset and that my actions were not out of spoiled nature. I typically do not cry about being unable to see my friends. I just hadn't seen that friend in so long, and I was looking quite forward to our meeting. And being unable to meet hit me hard.

Around 1pm, my video-watching was interrupted by a loud beeping sound. I at first thought it was a construction truck outside, so I peeked through my blinds to look for one. I didn't see any. I only saw my brother outside by his car talking with someone.

That could only mean one thing.

The noise must be the fire alarm.

I threw off my covers and headed for the kitchen. A pot sat on the stove, emitting smoke. The burner was bright red. I quickly turned off the burner and took the pot to the table. I then went to open the back sliding door and a couple of windows. The air reeked horribly of smoke.

Thankfully, the problem had been handled, so I had nothing more to worry about. I settled back under my blanket to continue moping, even though by now I was getting over my misery.

My brother entered the house shortly after, and I heard him say my name because he could smell the smoke. I stepped out of my room to tell him I handled it. Then, strangely, he left. I'm unaware of his schedule and where he goes, and why.

Later, my mom came home and I told her the story of what happened, and at first she was mad at my brother, but then, as usual, she found the flaw in what I did, or didn't do, rather. I didn't open enough windows, and I was supposed to smell the smoke from my room. So on.

My thought process went as such: huff, whatever, she always does this to me, looks for the stuff I didn't do, doesn't look on the bright side, etc. Whatever, right?

Then my dad came home, and he made it worse, asking me why didn't I smell the smoke from my room, etc.

*deep, deeeeep inhale*

If you know my house, you know my room is the farthest away from the kitchen. I wouldn't be able to smell smoke from my room until the situation got really bad, which luckily it didn't. I only knew something was up once I heard the alarm go off.

Plus, my nose might have been a little stuffed with crying things, so that may have been a factor as well as to why I didn't smell anything.

But the point is, I handled the situation. I...
- turned off the stove
- took the smoking pot off the stove
- opened the back door and a couple of windows
- tried to block out the smell by lighting candles (I'm too afraid to use the lighter so I looked up how to light a candle without using a lighter and I ended up lighting the candles with a piece of burning raw fettucine and I'm very proud of that)

ADDITIONALLY ... I was the only one in the house who was there to find out what was going on, I was the only one who handled it, and I was the only one who saved the house.

So tell me.


My parents were giving me a hard time, driving me into a yelling fit and uncontrollable tears.

Long story short, I got to school after that. I dropped my things at my seat in my classroom, and then went to the bathroom to dry my face and make myself look a little more presentable. The whites of my eyes were dead red and glistening with tears. I washed my face, tried my best to suck it up, and fixed up my eyes with my emergency eyeliner (I have two liquid eyeliners. One for home and one for outdoors). Then I went back to my classroom, and my friend St said hello to me. She asked me how I was, and I said something along the lines of  "Well I can't lie to you, I haven't had a great day, if you can tell..." and she said something like "Yeah... I noticed your eyes are a little puffy... what's wrong?"

"Nothing... just family problems." I looked away. Yeah, maybe they were "just family problems," but then why were more tears flowing out of my eyes? And why couldn't I control them? Was I even trying?

St noticed, and she said, "Oh noooo, she's crying!"

Beside her, Y, who was busy working on something on her tablet, added, "Nooo!"

I laid my face in my hands and let the tears fall down, roll off my hands, and land on the table. St grabbed me into a hug and I accepted it. Finally she pulled away. "Thanks," I said.

She asked me at one point if I wanted to talk about it, but I fail to recall if she asked that before she hugged me or after. Regardless, I shook my head. It was a long story, and I didn't want to relive it by telling it.

After that, though, I did feel a lot better. Hugs always make me feel better when I'm sad. St is a friend for life and I'm glad I'm blessed with her being in my class this semester.

Sometimes in the school season, the work stresses you out. Sometimes the teachers do. Sometimes, classmates do. And other factors cause the stress as well. But in other cases, sometimes, one or all of the mentioned factors relieve you of stress.

It's okay to cry. It hurts when it happens, but it makes one feel a lot better. Tears clear up the eyes to help you see a new, different world. And that's a good thing.

To conclude this story, we had a great productive class session and St took me home.

(FYI: This happened two weeks ago)

Until next time! :)


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