You're My Destiny, You're My Reverie

Listening to my tunes puts me in such a good mood. Makes me feel like I'm in love with everyone and everything. Fills me with positive vibes about everything. (And it inspires me to use lyrics as post titles.)

Unfortunately, due to the fact that my headphones are now deceased, I can no longer listen to my tunes until I can get my hands on some cash and some of that cash on some good quality headphones.

That's what happens when you're so cheap you buy earbuds for $1.50 at Daiso. Hhhhh.

I'm good for now, though, because I borrowed my sister's headphones. She won't be home until 3pm. Shhhh!

Of course, it's all fun and games until I somehow break them.

*thinks reproachfully* Well, I watched her leave today wearing MY hijab... not fair!!!

Seriously, I need to hide that hijab somewhere one of these days.

And I also need to make time to iron my new hijabs from TDC. Did I tell you guys about that in my last post? Well you can learn about it on my YouTube channel My Name Is Nura. Not gonna link it right now because I'm too lazy. Oh, but speaking of which, I did upload a new video yesterday. It was a review of my 2016. And I do happen to have the link for that. So I'll link it and then you can find my other videos. Don't judge me okay? I just started so everything is SUPPOSED to be cringey.

2016 in Review Video

Speaking of TDC, I bought an almond exfoliating scrub at the bazaar there, and it's been working really well so far. the train of flaws on both my cheeks are beginning to subside. I've been keeping track of how my face is changing every week. And every week I try something new. The first week I tried a homemade honey + sugar + cinnamon scrub, finished off with lemon juice. The second week I tried the almond scrub. The third week, this week, I plan to try a honey and yogurt mask.

Anyway, on to more important things. My mom's Bayyinah classmates are here for a visit to take the seerah intensive course. They are a group of four sisters (and they have three more siblings) from ages 21 to 16. I am planning to have a baking "date" with my favorite of the four, who is the youngest. She is sooooo funny and she doesn't even try! She's the kind of annoying that I don't mind. If I were to describe her in one word, it would be "SMH." Well, actually, since SMH isn't a word and more of an expression, a better word would be "weird." Besides, when she came to my house last Friday and was checking out my room, I said to her, "My definition of weird is [her name]."

Lol I hope I get to see her today. She does not reply to any of my texts at all.

Dayummmmmm the sounds come out soooo well in these headphones!*pulls a Flynn Rider* "Oh Mama, I have got to get me one of these!"

I love Tangled.

Anyway, all good things do come to an end, so let me end this post by telling you a horrific fact. I have to finish my geometry as soon as possible so I can take the math TSI at my community college. It sucks for me because math is my worst subject and I cannot focus on it at all. At all. At ALLLLLL. Like, I doodle all over the page automatically. And then I'm like, holey crackers, this wasn't supposed to happen.

(By the way, I gonna start swearing with the names of food. For example, "holey saltine crackers" in place of "holy crap." Yeah, it can get pretty creative from there.)

I know I already talked about the new year in my last post, but let me talk about it again. Because this is my blog and I talk about what I want. You ain't the boss of my blog anyway, what the hell.

We all know that with New Year comes New Year's resolutions. I'm not too big on them, but when I do set my mind to make them, I do tiny little things that sound doable. Once, my resolution was to stop doodling in my math books. Doable, right? Yep. Well, I failed on that one, as easy as it sounds. But that resolution was such a lame one. This year, I'm sticking to one simple thing, and that is to be positive about everything. And if that isn't possible, then the other option is to stop feeling negative about everything.

Being positive about everything is actually pretty easy. All you have to do is keep in mind that everything is up to Allah and Allah is the Creator of all, so He knows best. And He knows what He's doing. And with Allah there is always good, so although things may look really bad, it's all part of His plan to make you successful.

Trump's our president. I remember my positivity pre-election day when I was convinced that everything would be great even in he was elected, because it would all be a part of Allah's plan and Allah knows best. But apparently that was a case of "easier said than done." Once I woke up on November 11, 2016 and checked up on the news, I was hit with the huge and terrifying shock that Donald Trump was elected. I couldn't believe it. I was, as mentioned several times before, in a state of shock. What good could come out of this?

And then I realized. I was still leaving the house every day with my hijab on. Even a little thing like that, being able to still wear my hijab outside, made me feel liberated. I was free. Free to practice my religion. And Trump or his supporters can't do anything about it. (Plus I'm pretty buff and I know taekwondo so if any of y'all try to maul me just remember I can make you eat my dust.)

Whoooo. I talk about the randomest things. Okay, gotta go.

Until next time! :)


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