Unbelievable :D

So you wanna know something unbelievable?

I wrote six chapters in five days! :D

Remember what I said in my previous post? I did manage to write all those chapters before August 29th. I still can't believe it. Like, the book is basically done. Just a bunch of editing and revising left. And let me tell you, last night I stayed up until 1 AM editing. Not a thorough edit because I was in bed using an iPad, but just grammatical errors and word choice. Which reminds me, gotta do the thorough editing today. Also, I need to work on our cover page.

The first day of school was yesterday, and I must say, it was pretty alright. I took some time about 30 minutes before class to find my classroom, and I took a front seat. I learned something from my summer classes; if you have trouble seeing the board you better sit at the front. In my history class during the summer I was afraid to sit at the front, but gradually I learned to not care about the other people and I slowly went up and up until I made it to the front. So yeah, now I've reserved a front seat for myself in English class. The teacher seems pretty nice, like way nicer than my other English teacher, so I'm looking forward to an easy and fun semester.

We ended class about thirty minutes early since it was the first day, so I went down to have me some water and a granola bar, and after some texting and chill, I brought out my sketchbook, in which was my cover page for our book. I'm loving it and I can't wait for it to be finished. Since our book doesn't need any more writing (there is a difference between editing, writing, and revising) I can start on the illustrations we're going to have in our book.

I began to leave for my geology classroom at about 10:40. It's kind of a long story that I don't want to get in right now, but I ended up walking in the wrong classroom. And some other guy did too. But don't worry, because in the end we found the right classroom.

Okay, that's all I have for you all! Stay tuned.

Until next time! :)


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