Rock and Mine-roll

Yesterday in geology class we had a mineral test. All of us were so scared at first; however, as I got the hang of the test system, it all came really easily to me. I guess you could say I "rocked" the test. Actually, it was a mineral test, but you get the point. Anyway, I can't say anything until I receive my grade. I felt like it was easy but I may have gotten a few things wrong. Especially the five extra credit questions. Well, gotta buy more scantrons next time! We have a rock test coming up soon.

Today I have to go to the writing center to have someone overlook my essay for extra credit purposes. It's at 3:30. It's with this lady who has cats and a bunch of scratches on her arms and hands. I met her in February when I had her look over my report on cake.

I wasn't intending to say much and I need to work on my book, so ta-ta!

Until next time! :)


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