A Series of Memorable Pre- and Post-2016 Events
It's here, and, well, I dunno.
It's kinda strange. Like, 2016? I'm going to be an adult this year! I'm going to take college classes in a couple of weeks! Oh my gawsh, do you guys know that I have a goal set to complete one of my books before I turn 18? I have only a few months!! My goal was originally to get it PUBLISHED before 18, but that's kinda unrealistic... unless a miracle happens and I never get writer's block... but I changed my goal from getting it published to getting it finished, because that's a little more realistic. And maybe, I can get it published before I turn 19.
For once, I actually have a useful, practical GOAL. For a NEW YEAR.
(actually I made this goal last year but I'm going to reach it this year so basically it's this year's goal... amiright?)
Okay, so I never told you all what the convention was like. IT WAS GREAT. Except for the expensive prices of things at the bazaar. Our hotel room was amazing and the bathroom was heavenly. It even had a weighing scale in there! I'm not sure if it was accurate or if I really did lose weight. Probably inaccurate, because my muscles are growing, and muscles make up 80% of a person's body weight.
Anyway. DAY 1 (DECEMBER 24, 2015) consisted of great speakers like Kamal El Mekki, Hanaa Gamal, and Isa Parada. I came a little late for Sh. Kamal's lecture so I don't remember what it was about, and I didn't get any notes from it. I LOVED Sr. Hanaa Gamal's talk, though. It was about keeping a happy home. Here are the notes I took from it:
Always focus on the best in your spouse. Never bring up past mistakes during an argument. Having a sense of humor is very important & sets a good example for the kids. Being happy means the home is stable.
(Sr. Hanaa Gamal, TDC 2015)
I know this info doesn't yet apply to me, but it will, so I may as well pay attention.
Sh. Isa Parada talked about "What Your Neighbors Think of You & Why." I only got like, two sentences of notes from this one, lol.
Your neighbors are watching you. They see what you do and what you don't do.
(Sh. Isa Parada, TDC 2015)
Yeah, I kind of always note down the obvious things, but this basically means you are influencing your neighbors. And as Muslims, we need to always, always set good examples. Especially because of what's happening now.
DAY 2 (DECEMBER 25, 2015) was also really great (let's just say all the days were great) because it started off with Sr. Sarah Sultan sharing 7 ways of how to find happiness. Let me list 'em here...
All of this really applies to me, and therefore it's really helpful.
The next speaker was Sr. Margari Aziza talking about racism. I don't know why I didn't take any notes. ;P Maybe because I was sleepy. (Disclaimer: I snoozed through A LOT of lectures throughout the convention!)
After her was Br. Ammar Alshukry talking about "The Path to Brotherhood."
You love someone? Tell them. We don't believe until we love one another. Spread the salaam. Smile. Allah designed your smile.
(Br. Ammar Alshukry, TDC 2015)
He said it doesn't matter if your eyes wrinkle when you smile or if you have chubby cheeks because Allah designed your smile. Mom looked at me when he said that. Uhh, rude! :P
Next was Imam Zia Sheikh, whose talk was titled, "What Islam Says About Rich People."
Are wealth and Islam compatible? Wealth is mentioned 92x in Quran, using the words al-maal and al-amwaal. Eat & drink good food & drink but do not be excessive.
(Imam Zia Skeikh, TDC 2015)
Sh. Omar Husain was next with a speech called, "The Millenials Are Coming!"
Problems in the Path to Faith? Focusing on the wrong things!
Verses [from the Quran] to ponder on~
3:189-192, 16:65-70, 81:1-14, 88:17
The Arabic word for youth translates to wildfire. (Too bad I didn't note down the significance of this)
(Sh. Omar Husain, TDC 2015)
At the end of Day 2, there was an entertainment session called Sheikh Debate, in which Sh. Omar Husain, Sh.Yasser Fazaqa, and Sh. Waleed Basyouni were given an unrealistic fatwa, and told to give their views on it. Whichever sheikh's opinion on the fatwa got the most claps/cheers was the winner of that debate. I attended it with S and H because my mom and dad went back to the hotel with Z to rest. The debate was totally worth staying for because it was HILARIOUS!!! I filmed a few scenes, but later decided to enjoy and live the moment (Sh. Omar Husain mentioned that in his lecture).
DAY 3 (DECEMBER 26, 2015) began with Sh. Tauqer Shah giving his thoughts on "Why Fathers Count."
Mothers are given 3 rights over fathers.
قوام = protectors and guardians
Men are responsible for their women financially.
The role of a father grows rapidly with the growth of a child. Fathers are a key to develop good manners & adab. A woman can work if she wants to but it is not her responsibility. Children look up to their father.
(Sh. Tauqer Shah, TDC 2015)
This talk was really good and relatable. He said that when he was younger and his father came home, everybody would scatter into their rooms and pretend to do their homework. That's the case in my house also. I don't know why.
Next was Owaiz Dadabhoy giving a talk on Financial Planning (Islamicly). I felt like it was more of a college class because he was taking about how to save your money in a practical way for Hajj, education, etc. I wrote some notes down, but when it started to get all technical, I stopped. XD And I don't remember if I snoozed but I probably did because I don't remember what happened when I stopped taking notes. :P So, anyway, here they are.
Why Save? Home, Hajj, Education, Retirement. Strong goals = strong results. Giving does not take away from your savings. Idea > Intention > Goal > Cost
Investing According to Shari'ah
Business sectors: No interest, alcohol, gambling, pork, pornography
Sometimes you have to retire even if you don't want to. Depends on your job & health.
(Owaiz Dadabhoy, TDC 2015)
The Quran And I by Sh. Mamdouh Mahmoud was really nice.
Quran is a helper; it is not a burden.
Quran can help you in any and every situation. We have intellect; animals do not. Shaytan's job is to distract us from the Quran. Quran comes before studies so that they become easy.
(Sh. Mamdouh Mahmoud, TDC 2015)
Ubaidullah Evans came up next with a talk called "Spirituality After Thirty."
3rd step in tawbah = promise to never return to that sin.
(Ubaidullah Evans, TDC 2015)
Lol that was my only note from that talk but it's really helpful :D
The best talk of that day in my opinion was Sr. Haleh Banani's "10 Ways to Mess Up Your Child's Future." It was so relatable (evil grin. you'll see why :D)
At one point during the convention, Sr. Haleh Banani actually sat next to me! And I also opened her chair for her. The chairs there were one of those annoying flippy floppy chairs you always find in auditoriums. The kind that flip back up when you get up from them. (she didn't recognize it though *crying face* Ah, too bad. At least the talk was great.)
Fluctuation of Our Iman and Spirituality by Sh. Waleed Basyouni
Any Muslim has to practice at least something from the religion! Don't ever take iman for granted. We ask Allah to guide us to the straight path every day! You don't know when you'll lose your iman because you don't know when you'll die! Be really appreciative of your iman. Love it like you love your ability to see, talk, hear, etc. Even someone who seems to have no hope will end up in the highest level.
Iman's enemy = SINS!!!
Iblis' sin was worse than Adam's sin.
Iblis = arrogance, Adam = disobedience
We don't watch what's going on in our heart.
If your desires overtake you, maintain your salah. (Surah Maryam)
Can't control your desires? Maintain Salah.
Protect your senses from haram. Don't underestimate its impact to your heart. Watch, preserve, and protect your tongue. The tongue is covered by a set of teeth & lips because it is very dangerous. Your tongue and heart can be the best or worst things in your life. Stick with good people. Appreciate being in the Muslim community. Work hard for your last day.
(Sh. Waleed Basyouni, TDC 2015)
After this talk there was a "Iman Ball" activity where four 'iman' balls were tossed around the room and the challenge was to not let them fall to the ground (like keeping your iman level up). I was hoping it would get tossed to me but nothing cool ever happens to me, so... yeah :P
Okay, at night there was the best entertainment presentation EVER!!! It was presented by Ammar Alshukry and some other guys whose names I can't recall. The presentation was called "RISE" and the audience was invited to sit right by the stage!! So I went to go sit there with S and Z. It was a spoken word presentation and it was SO COOL!!! And HILARIOUS!!! And one of the guys in the presentation looked a lot like my dad. And the next day this guy came up to my dad and said, "I loved your show last night." XD
DAY 4 (DECEMBER 27, 2015) started with an FBI agent who shared her thought about staying safe as a Muslim. It was cool and I got on camera. But I was ugly. And I have no notes.
"Growing Up & Growing Old" was next by Abdullah Odoro. Aww shoot, I didn't take any notes. (probably because I'm not old :P)
But I do remember him mentioning taking care of his parents when they were old and it was really powerful.
Mohamad Elshinawy was next with his lecture called "Why Is This Happening?", but I think I snoozed during his talk. I'm sorry, Sh. Elshinawy!!
The last lecture of the day was The Balancing Act by Farhan Abdul-Aziz.
Those who have the most of this world will have the least of the Hereafter.
time management = choice
(Farhan Abdul-Aziz, TDC 2015)
Highlights of the convention that weren't related to the lectures~
I invited my dear friend MA to my place to chill out. My mom and S were going out to the library, and so they came back with MA. In the time they were gone, I showered and cleaned up the place. (I'm a supergirl.) Then when MA arrived, we talked in my room, and then we decided to bake something. We decided on banana bread, and so while she smashed the bananas, I prayed Asr with the fam. Then we baked the banana bread and played games in our room while it baked. MA stayed until 7pm and then I went to go bring her home. the end
When MA came over the other day, she invited us to go play laser tag with her fam and our other buddy Nr. And we were allowed to go! It was REALLY FUN but tiring. And there was this crazy guy kept shooting me and wouldn't stop until I ran away. I guess that's what he wants to do to Muslims with a real gun. Scary D:. My team lost in both games 'cuz I ain't 'bout dat shootin' life, but hey, who cares? It was fun. Then I had some nice cold water with the squad, and then we left. We planned to go to the park later. It was really cold there, and we took several pictures before eating he food SA's family had brought. Oh, it was just us girls and the moms there. Well, except my mom. We had a lot of fun but it was REALLY COLD. And I've been a little sick ever since. XD
My sister and I attended Jumuah prayer for the first time since October 2nd. The squad was supposed to go but they held a conspiracy behind our backs and went to the second Jumuah instead. JK, they didn't hold a conspiracy as far as I know. ;)
Later, my sister and I attended the YM halaqa at Maghrib time. We watched a That's Messed Up video by Sh. NAK and discussed it after that. Nr brought a delicious cake baked by her fabulous mum. Then we started to plan a talent show that was to happen in a couple of days. Then our parents picked us up to go to a lecture in a different masjid. I'd have taken notes, but I didn't have my notebook with me, so I just tried to draw realistic faces in Z's sketchbook. And before the talk, my mom told be to draw the sheikh that was giving the speech, so I did. XP And in the middle of the speech, this baby came up to me and promptly placed both his chubby hands on my knee. I was sketching at that time, and I didn't want him to draw so I stopped sketching and smiled at him. He stayed for a pretty long time until his big sister came by and picked him up and away.
After the lecture, we went to the kitchen to get some s'mores. REAL s'mores. Not like those fake ones we had at the YMX bonfire. Omg, did I ever POST about the bonfire? I'm gonna go check right now.
OMG, I didn't. -___- Well, a few months back, the youth group at our local masjid held a bonfire on the masjid grounds as a youth activity. I really liked it even though I came home smelling like smoke. Disclaimer: The fire wasn't really a bonfire. Nevertheless, it was a fire. And we roasted our marshmallows above it and burned our eyeballs. and the s'mores were lame because we mae them on our own. Lol. And some people, like me, didn't get chocolate. NOTE TO REMEMBER: A S'MORE IS NOT A S'MORE WITHOUT CHOCOLATE.
Good. Now, back to my original story. We ate REAL s'mores. Mine was dripping with chocolate (makes up for the bonfire one I guess) and it nearly spilled on the ground but I caught it with my hand. BEST S'MORE I EVER HAD IN MY COLD, SAD LIFE.... okay, tbh, my life isn't that bad. How about BEST S'MORE I EVER HAD IN MY STRANGE YET BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!! <3
JANUARY 3, 2016
My sister and I attended taekwondo class. It was a full house. And then.... umm, I don't think we did anything else that day. Lol.
JANUARY 5, 2016
I had my good friend SA over to chill out. We made some bracelets, ate some cake that I made, played a few games, and then had dinner. Then SA invited us to go watch a movie with her family, and we were like heck yeah, and the padres and madres let us go. We had a good time. We watched PAN (2015) which was really good. I felt like I ate popcorn during the WHOLE movie. I squinted when the screen showed bright scenes and jumped when unexpected things happened. And I was cold. SA, thanks for coming over and inviting us for the movie! It was really fun and we love you!! <3
Aight, now that I'm all caught up, you can thank me for taking this whole day to write a post which was a million days overdue.
Well, actually, I deserve this since I didn't post in a long time.
Behind me, my two brothers are fighting/exercising. Those weirdos D:
I'm off to go change the look of this blog. See ya!
Thanks for reading, and...
Until next time! :)
It's kinda strange. Like, 2016? I'm going to be an adult this year! I'm going to take college classes in a couple of weeks! Oh my gawsh, do you guys know that I have a goal set to complete one of my books before I turn 18? I have only a few months!! My goal was originally to get it PUBLISHED before 18, but that's kinda unrealistic... unless a miracle happens and I never get writer's block... but I changed my goal from getting it published to getting it finished, because that's a little more realistic. And maybe, I can get it published before I turn 19.
For once, I actually have a useful, practical GOAL. For a NEW YEAR.
(actually I made this goal last year but I'm going to reach it this year so basically it's this year's goal... amiright?)
Okay, so I never told you all what the convention was like. IT WAS GREAT. Except for the expensive prices of things at the bazaar. Our hotel room was amazing and the bathroom was heavenly. It even had a weighing scale in there! I'm not sure if it was accurate or if I really did lose weight. Probably inaccurate, because my muscles are growing, and muscles make up 80% of a person's body weight.
Anyway. DAY 1 (DECEMBER 24, 2015) consisted of great speakers like Kamal El Mekki, Hanaa Gamal, and Isa Parada. I came a little late for Sh. Kamal's lecture so I don't remember what it was about, and I didn't get any notes from it. I LOVED Sr. Hanaa Gamal's talk, though. It was about keeping a happy home. Here are the notes I took from it:
Always focus on the best in your spouse. Never bring up past mistakes during an argument. Having a sense of humor is very important & sets a good example for the kids. Being happy means the home is stable.
(Sr. Hanaa Gamal, TDC 2015)
I know this info doesn't yet apply to me, but it will, so I may as well pay attention.
Sh. Isa Parada talked about "What Your Neighbors Think of You & Why." I only got like, two sentences of notes from this one, lol.
Your neighbors are watching you. They see what you do and what you don't do.
(Sh. Isa Parada, TDC 2015)
Yeah, I kind of always note down the obvious things, but this basically means you are influencing your neighbors. And as Muslims, we need to always, always set good examples. Especially because of what's happening now.
DAY 2 (DECEMBER 25, 2015) was also really great (let's just say all the days were great) because it started off with Sr. Sarah Sultan sharing 7 ways of how to find happiness. Let me list 'em here...
- Change the way you think about happiness. Once we get what we want, we eventually want more. We work better when we're happy. Happiness begets success.
- Don't define yourself by mistakes. If you define yourself as a sinner, it will lead you to more sinning.
- Rethink the way you think. Take control of your thoughts to take control of your life.
- Don't allow your fears to take control of your life.
- You have to work towards happiness. It's not just a mood. It's a work ethic.
- Make good habits easy to obtain and bad habits harder to continue.
- think of 3 things you're grateful for everyday
- exercise leads to happiness.
- "He who does not thank the people does not thank Allah." -Prophet Muhammad SAW
- Change your view on obstacles. No matter how many things have happened to you, there's always something good about them in the end.
- Are you living the life you should be? What do I value most? Happiness is living by your values. Never forget that you are in control of your happiness. Happiness is not about what happens around you, but what happens within you.
All of this really applies to me, and therefore it's really helpful.
The next speaker was Sr. Margari Aziza talking about racism. I don't know why I didn't take any notes. ;P Maybe because I was sleepy. (Disclaimer: I snoozed through A LOT of lectures throughout the convention!)
After her was Br. Ammar Alshukry talking about "The Path to Brotherhood."
You love someone? Tell them. We don't believe until we love one another. Spread the salaam. Smile. Allah designed your smile.
(Br. Ammar Alshukry, TDC 2015)
He said it doesn't matter if your eyes wrinkle when you smile or if you have chubby cheeks because Allah designed your smile. Mom looked at me when he said that. Uhh, rude! :P
Next was Imam Zia Sheikh, whose talk was titled, "What Islam Says About Rich People."
Are wealth and Islam compatible? Wealth is mentioned 92x in Quran, using the words al-maal and al-amwaal. Eat & drink good food & drink but do not be excessive.
(Imam Zia Skeikh, TDC 2015)
Sh. Omar Husain was next with a speech called, "The Millenials Are Coming!"
Problems in the Path to Faith? Focusing on the wrong things!
Verses [from the Quran] to ponder on~
3:189-192, 16:65-70, 81:1-14, 88:17
The Arabic word for youth translates to wildfire. (Too bad I didn't note down the significance of this)
(Sh. Omar Husain, TDC 2015)
At the end of Day 2, there was an entertainment session called Sheikh Debate, in which Sh. Omar Husain, Sh.Yasser Fazaqa, and Sh. Waleed Basyouni were given an unrealistic fatwa, and told to give their views on it. Whichever sheikh's opinion on the fatwa got the most claps/cheers was the winner of that debate. I attended it with S and H because my mom and dad went back to the hotel with Z to rest. The debate was totally worth staying for because it was HILARIOUS!!! I filmed a few scenes, but later decided to enjoy and live the moment (Sh. Omar Husain mentioned that in his lecture).
DAY 3 (DECEMBER 26, 2015) began with Sh. Tauqer Shah giving his thoughts on "Why Fathers Count."
Mothers are given 3 rights over fathers.
قوام = protectors and guardians
Men are responsible for their women financially.
The role of a father grows rapidly with the growth of a child. Fathers are a key to develop good manners & adab. A woman can work if she wants to but it is not her responsibility. Children look up to their father.
(Sh. Tauqer Shah, TDC 2015)
This talk was really good and relatable. He said that when he was younger and his father came home, everybody would scatter into their rooms and pretend to do their homework. That's the case in my house also. I don't know why.
Next was Owaiz Dadabhoy giving a talk on Financial Planning (Islamicly). I felt like it was more of a college class because he was taking about how to save your money in a practical way for Hajj, education, etc. I wrote some notes down, but when it started to get all technical, I stopped. XD And I don't remember if I snoozed but I probably did because I don't remember what happened when I stopped taking notes. :P So, anyway, here they are.
Why Save? Home, Hajj, Education, Retirement. Strong goals = strong results. Giving does not take away from your savings. Idea > Intention > Goal > Cost
Investing According to Shari'ah
Business sectors: No interest, alcohol, gambling, pork, pornography
Sometimes you have to retire even if you don't want to. Depends on your job & health.
(Owaiz Dadabhoy, TDC 2015)
The Quran And I by Sh. Mamdouh Mahmoud was really nice.
Quran is a helper; it is not a burden.
Quran can help you in any and every situation. We have intellect; animals do not. Shaytan's job is to distract us from the Quran. Quran comes before studies so that they become easy.
(Sh. Mamdouh Mahmoud, TDC 2015)
Ubaidullah Evans came up next with a talk called "Spirituality After Thirty."
3rd step in tawbah = promise to never return to that sin.
(Ubaidullah Evans, TDC 2015)
Lol that was my only note from that talk but it's really helpful :D
The best talk of that day in my opinion was Sr. Haleh Banani's "10 Ways to Mess Up Your Child's Future." It was so relatable (evil grin. you'll see why :D)
- Not accepting them
- not accepting their looks, goals, abilities, careers, intelligence, spouse. Don't put high expectations on your children. They won't feel special.
- Being too strict/Being too lenient
- If you're strict, your kids will break away and rebel. Speak to them appealingly.
- Being abusive
- Abuse is very damaging. The cycle will continue. Children who experience violence will end up taking it out on others or themselves. (suicide)
- Being too neglective or too permissive.
- Teach them how to be genuinely happy. Not just with materials. If your child wants something, teach them to earn it.
- Being inconsistent
- (I didn't catch the info here)
- The names you call them
- They (the names, if they are cruel) will be their self-talk. [Any word can be damaging. It may not seem damaging to you but it might to them.]
- Making them feel guilty
- Be supportive of your kids. Be loving. They'll be willing to spend time with you.
- Not practicing what you preach
- Your kids are watching your actions more than your words. WALK THE TALK!! You're their role model. If your child got in trouble at school for, say, hitting another child, don't take them home, lecture them on not hitting others, and punish them by also hitting them!
- Mistrusting them
- Give them chances to regain your trust. Allow them to redeem themselves & regain your trust. Otherwise, they'll say to themselves, "She/he already assumes I do bad things, so why try to be good again?"
- Comparing them to siblings or their friends
- VERY EFFECTIVE!! And also, it ruins their relationships.
- Do not damage your kids!!
At one point during the convention, Sr. Haleh Banani actually sat next to me! And I also opened her chair for her. The chairs there were one of those annoying flippy floppy chairs you always find in auditoriums. The kind that flip back up when you get up from them. (she didn't recognize it though *crying face* Ah, too bad. At least the talk was great.)
Fluctuation of Our Iman and Spirituality by Sh. Waleed Basyouni
Any Muslim has to practice at least something from the religion! Don't ever take iman for granted. We ask Allah to guide us to the straight path every day! You don't know when you'll lose your iman because you don't know when you'll die! Be really appreciative of your iman. Love it like you love your ability to see, talk, hear, etc. Even someone who seems to have no hope will end up in the highest level.
- Iman is belief in heart and actions
- Iman never stays in one level; it either goes up or down.
- Iman never leaves completely
Iman's enemy = SINS!!!
Iblis' sin was worse than Adam's sin.
Iblis = arrogance, Adam = disobedience
We don't watch what's going on in our heart.
If your desires overtake you, maintain your salah. (Surah Maryam)
Can't control your desires? Maintain Salah.
Protect your senses from haram. Don't underestimate its impact to your heart. Watch, preserve, and protect your tongue. The tongue is covered by a set of teeth & lips because it is very dangerous. Your tongue and heart can be the best or worst things in your life. Stick with good people. Appreciate being in the Muslim community. Work hard for your last day.
(Sh. Waleed Basyouni, TDC 2015)
After this talk there was a "Iman Ball" activity where four 'iman' balls were tossed around the room and the challenge was to not let them fall to the ground (like keeping your iman level up). I was hoping it would get tossed to me but nothing cool ever happens to me, so... yeah :P
Okay, at night there was the best entertainment presentation EVER!!! It was presented by Ammar Alshukry and some other guys whose names I can't recall. The presentation was called "RISE" and the audience was invited to sit right by the stage!! So I went to go sit there with S and Z. It was a spoken word presentation and it was SO COOL!!! And HILARIOUS!!! And one of the guys in the presentation looked a lot like my dad. And the next day this guy came up to my dad and said, "I loved your show last night." XD
DAY 4 (DECEMBER 27, 2015) started with an FBI agent who shared her thought about staying safe as a Muslim. It was cool and I got on camera. But I was ugly. And I have no notes.
"Growing Up & Growing Old" was next by Abdullah Odoro. Aww shoot, I didn't take any notes. (probably because I'm not old :P)
But I do remember him mentioning taking care of his parents when they were old and it was really powerful.
Mohamad Elshinawy was next with his lecture called "Why Is This Happening?", but I think I snoozed during his talk. I'm sorry, Sh. Elshinawy!!
The last lecture of the day was The Balancing Act by Farhan Abdul-Aziz.
Those who have the most of this world will have the least of the Hereafter.
time management = choice
- Ask Allah for blessing in your time
- Ask Allah for guidance
- Set goals for yourself
- Umm Ayman was the first person to hold Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when he was a baby. She also delivered him (as a midwife). She was alive before he was born and lived after him.
- Tips on Setting Goals the SMART way... Make sure your goals are...
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time Bound
- Let every stage of your life be one in which you draw closer to Allah.
- Prioritize everything in this order
- Allah
- Family
- School
- Islamic Activities
- Social Life
(Farhan Abdul-Aziz, TDC 2015)
Highlights of the convention that weren't related to the lectures~
- The bazaar was amazing. It sold hijabs, T-shirts, honey, gummy candies that were shaped like watermelons, bears, and worms, and many other things! I love bazaars. ;D
- I won a free cupcake at the bazaar by answering a question correctly. Someone yelled, "We're giving out five free cupcakes to those who answer a question correctly! The question is, 'Which sahabi's mother did Rasulullah SAW pray for and later became Muslim?'" And I knew the answer but was a little reluctant in going to give my answer because I'm a shy idiot, but then I was like, heck, it's a cupcake, I may as well!! So I went to the lady holding a cupcake container and asked, "May I try?" And the lady there said, "Sure!" So I whispered in her ear, "Is it Abu Hurayrah?" and she said, "Yes! Now don't tell anyone!" Then she asked me if I wanted a different cupckae flavor and I was like, "Nah, it's okay." And so she held out the container and said, "Here you go!" And then I carefully took out the cupcake while these two young boys stared at me. I felt bad for them because they didn't know the answer, but, hey, next time you pay attention to the lectures! :P But those boys were probably in babysitting or the youth program.
- WE SAW SOME OLD FRIENDS THERE!! :D <3 Omg everyone is so old now waaahh
I invited my dear friend MA to my place to chill out. My mom and S were going out to the library, and so they came back with MA. In the time they were gone, I showered and cleaned up the place. (I'm a supergirl.) Then when MA arrived, we talked in my room, and then we decided to bake something. We decided on banana bread, and so while she smashed the bananas, I prayed Asr with the fam. Then we baked the banana bread and played games in our room while it baked. MA stayed until 7pm and then I went to go bring her home. the end
When MA came over the other day, she invited us to go play laser tag with her fam and our other buddy Nr. And we were allowed to go! It was REALLY FUN but tiring. And there was this crazy guy kept shooting me and wouldn't stop until I ran away. I guess that's what he wants to do to Muslims with a real gun. Scary D:. My team lost in both games 'cuz I ain't 'bout dat shootin' life, but hey, who cares? It was fun. Then I had some nice cold water with the squad, and then we left. We planned to go to the park later. It was really cold there, and we took several pictures before eating he food SA's family had brought. Oh, it was just us girls and the moms there. Well, except my mom. We had a lot of fun but it was REALLY COLD. And I've been a little sick ever since. XD
My sister and I attended Jumuah prayer for the first time since October 2nd. The squad was supposed to go but they held a conspiracy behind our backs and went to the second Jumuah instead. JK, they didn't hold a conspiracy as far as I know. ;)
Later, my sister and I attended the YM halaqa at Maghrib time. We watched a That's Messed Up video by Sh. NAK and discussed it after that. Nr brought a delicious cake baked by her fabulous mum. Then we started to plan a talent show that was to happen in a couple of days. Then our parents picked us up to go to a lecture in a different masjid. I'd have taken notes, but I didn't have my notebook with me, so I just tried to draw realistic faces in Z's sketchbook. And before the talk, my mom told be to draw the sheikh that was giving the speech, so I did. XP And in the middle of the speech, this baby came up to me and promptly placed both his chubby hands on my knee. I was sketching at that time, and I didn't want him to draw so I stopped sketching and smiled at him. He stayed for a pretty long time until his big sister came by and picked him up and away.
After the lecture, we went to the kitchen to get some s'mores. REAL s'mores. Not like those fake ones we had at the YMX bonfire. Omg, did I ever POST about the bonfire? I'm gonna go check right now.
OMG, I didn't. -___- Well, a few months back, the youth group at our local masjid held a bonfire on the masjid grounds as a youth activity. I really liked it even though I came home smelling like smoke. Disclaimer: The fire wasn't really a bonfire. Nevertheless, it was a fire. And we roasted our marshmallows above it and burned our eyeballs. and the s'mores were lame because we mae them on our own. Lol. And some people, like me, didn't get chocolate. NOTE TO REMEMBER: A S'MORE IS NOT A S'MORE WITHOUT CHOCOLATE.
Good. Now, back to my original story. We ate REAL s'mores. Mine was dripping with chocolate (makes up for the bonfire one I guess) and it nearly spilled on the ground but I caught it with my hand. BEST S'MORE I EVER HAD IN MY COLD, SAD LIFE.... okay, tbh, my life isn't that bad. How about BEST S'MORE I EVER HAD IN MY STRANGE YET BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!! <3
JANUARY 3, 2016
My sister and I attended taekwondo class. It was a full house. And then.... umm, I don't think we did anything else that day. Lol.
JANUARY 5, 2016
I had my good friend SA over to chill out. We made some bracelets, ate some cake that I made, played a few games, and then had dinner. Then SA invited us to go watch a movie with her family, and we were like heck yeah, and the padres and madres let us go. We had a good time. We watched PAN (2015) which was really good. I felt like I ate popcorn during the WHOLE movie. I squinted when the screen showed bright scenes and jumped when unexpected things happened. And I was cold. SA, thanks for coming over and inviting us for the movie! It was really fun and we love you!! <3
Aight, now that I'm all caught up, you can thank me for taking this whole day to write a post which was a million days overdue.
Well, actually, I deserve this since I didn't post in a long time.
Behind me, my two brothers are fighting/exercising. Those weirdos D:
I'm off to go change the look of this blog. See ya!
Thanks for reading, and...
Until next time! :)
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