

My Michaels' class days are over, and honestly, the class I benefited from mostly was the arm knitting. It can be done with any thickness of yarn, but I prefer the fat yarn because it fills up the scarf more. And now that I know how to arm knit, I can probably figure out how to knit with the needles, too.

Here's the cowl/infinity scarf we made in arm knitting class.

Also, I've been drawing a lot of pictures lately, mostly chalk pastel art (with Z). My sketchbook is probably half-filled now.  Here's what I've been doing... (If you follow me on Pinterest or you're my friend on FB, you've probably already seen these. But if you haven't, enjoy)

Okey, erm. My birthday was three days ago. I'm three years to twenty! Thank you to all the luvvable buddies who sent me birthday wishes! 

On Friday, I went to jumuah prayer. I bought my two friends SA and MA ice cream at the masjid bookstore. I bought one for S too, and Sour Patch Kids for myself. If you ever want to buy me candy, know that I really like small gummy candies or anything fruity, and that my favorite chocolate is 3 musketeers and Milky Way. 

Anyways, later that day we had a YM halaqa OUTSIDE (because the weather is getting so nice mA alh) about getting a close relationship with Allah. There were airplanes above us so loud that the halaqa giver had to stop talking until the airplane disappeared. And after the halaqa was over, we went to a party and had delicious food. I had the biggest piece of pizza ever. Then we packed up some meat for poor people and then left. 

The next day I went with Z to his scout meeting at a fishery. We watched a scuba diving presentation and then we learned how to use the fishing rod, and then we went fishing! I was really impatient because nothing was biting. At all. Then we changed places to the bridge that overlooked the lake. I was Losing hope over there too, when Dad told me to go help Z with his fishing. I was like, ok, and was about to go, when suddenly I felt a mighty tug on my pole. "Oh my god! I got a fish! Dad. I got a fish!" 

From reading that u might assume that I was excited. I mean, I was, but I didn't squeak or scream at all while I was trying to reel it in. For some reason I was all quiet and stuff. This kid who was near us came over to help and his dad who was walking by called, "you got a fish! Do you need help?"

"Yeah," said dad. "We're kind of beginners."

So the man and his kid came and got the hook out of the fish's mouth. "You want to touch your fish?" Asked the man.

"Yeah, go ahead and touch it," said dad. 

The fish was smooth yet hard... Like, there were a lot of muscles underneath, man....

The man's kid said, "now you get to throw your fish back in."

The man have me the fish and I threw it back in. I really regret how I threw it back in because it seemed really cruel on top of hooking its lip, namean? IM SORRY, FISH

Anyway, after the fishing activity (Z didn't catch any fish 😔) we had lunch. There were these really yummy sandwiches and spaghetti and even bread with chicken and all that jazz. After lunch we prayed Dhuhr, and then everybody went home. Dad and us went to the gift shop and dad bought us a keychain for me and a hat for Z. The way back home was an hour and fifteen minutes. Craaaaaaazi!!!

At night we attended a slavery seminar by sheikh Omar at the Bayyinah campus studio. It was really coooooool. The matter of slavery is worse today than it was back then, cuz of sweatshops and factories, etc.

And today we played tennis and went to karate. I might be getting my yellow belt next week!! Yayyayaya!!!

I start babysitting again tomorrow.

Until next time! :)


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