I Love You, Baking Powder

NOTE TO SELF: We need more baking butter and baking powder.

Hello guys! I made a lot of epic fails yesterday!

In the morning, I stressed over a writing assignment that isn't even part of my curriculum. I had to write 500 words about two friends who came together during or after a difficult time. It was due at 11:59 pm, and I had NO IDEAS. I don't know why I always say I'm creative. I'm not. Every story I write has to be fantasy or real-life fiction. I can't make things up. Though I must admit, my fantasy is pretty awesome. But my fantasy is always about talking animals. It's hard for me to write fake stories about PEOPLE. It's always gotta be fake stories about fake things.

Anyway, I completed the assignment and submitted it, suspecting that the peers who had to critique it were gonna judge me.

Then, I showered too close to my babysitting time and didn't tell Dad ahead of time that I had to babysit today, leading to a lot of fails. Mama got mad at me because the childrens' mother was texting her asking when I was coming. Mama was mad because she didn't want to be included in the matter. Me and Mama and S went to the library to return books and SUPPOSEDLY renew our cards, but we didn't bring our IDs and personal info. So we just browsed the library, and I went to the desk to ask about my book request, which is a book for literature class next week. It's called One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. I felt awkward when I asked the librarian about the book because I didn't know if I could pronounce the last word of the title. "And I forgot the author's name," I added.

"That's fine," said the librarian. Then she said some gibberish that I couldn't understand, and I said, "Did you find it?"

"Yep," she said. "I just told you the author's name."


Then she took me to the front desk so she could go to the back room and get my book. She brought it and gave it to the other librarian the the front desk. The other librarian said she needed my card, and I took out my wallet from my bag and looked for my card. OMG. My card wasn't in its rightful compartment! Then I remembered that I'd given my card to Mom a few days back so she could get a book that I requested. I wanted to disappear. I said, "Oh... my mom has my card."

The librarian took the book away. "Oh well. There's always tomorrow."

I told her I'd be back. I looked around for Mum, then saw her at the DVD place. (That's her favorite place, guys.)

I ran to her and asked her for my card. She was like "OHHH" and gave it to me. Then I rushed back to the desk and handed my card to the librarian. She was like, "Works every time!" and scanned my card. Then she gave me my card and book. Woohoo! I told her have a nice day and she said, "Well thank you! You too!"

Then I left the desk thinking she was probably thinking that I said that to cover up my embarrassment.

We stayed at the library until the chlidren's mother texted Mum that I could now come over to sit the children. In that time, me and S ate Skittles and tried to take selfies under a tree. But in every dang picture my face was blocked by tree leaves. -_-

Then I was dropped off at the children's house. I don't know why, but the children were extra savage that day. They smothered me in pillows and cushions, and jumped on me. They almost crushed my glasses, I'm telling you! No wonder mamas always get so many injuries from their children. Lol.

We read books upstairs and I took them out on a walk while their mama went to pick up their older brother.

Then I came home and ate dinner all alone.

Oh, yea. I forgot the point of this post. I wanted to say that I never knew how important baking powder was. I mean, I know it's important in recipes because it makes the products soft like my cheeks, but I didn't know that's it's used in EVERY RECIPE until now! We need to buy some asap or I'm gonna be bored. I wanted to make pancakes for breakfast because their recipe is easy, but the recipe requires a heapn' 3 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder! Jeez! I'm sorry, baking powder! I love you!

(bae king powder. lol)

Today after Mum picks up S from college, we're all going to the library to renew our library cards. I hope I don't do another fail. (no promises haha... already past the sixteen mark and still doing daft things)

Until next time! :)


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