Someday I Actually Will Hurt Myself

Do you know how I'm constantly burning myself, cutting my fingers, or busting my toes? It's not out of emotional pain. It doesn't even happen on purpose. I'm just the most clumsy person ever born. I'm not even joking. Yesterday, I was opening the oven to take my chicken out of the oven. After ripping off the aluminum foil and poking the chicken with a fork, I for some reason which I can't remember at the moment touched the oven door. The scorching, burning, searing oven door. My poor ring finger was first-degree burnt! I had to place it on an ice pack while eating dinner, which kinda made it hurt all the more. H told me to just leave it and it would heal faster, but I didn't believe him. Later, when I didn't want to haul around the ice pack anymore, I forgot about my burn because it didn't hurt anymore. So I suppose H was right.

UPDATE: During a halaqa at the masjid, I was looking at my hand and saw that the burn on my finger had scarred into this disgusting small bubble.

And today, I was sitting on my bed, and then I heard knocks from the front door, indicating that H had just come home from the masjid. So I bolted out of my bed, rushed through my open bedroom door, bolted through the two tall doors that lead to the living room, and smashed my whole left foot into the door frame. My foot was instantly throbbing by the time I got to the front door and I whined about it as I let H in. And since H doesn't care about me, he made no comment as he headed for his room. 

Anyway, moving on from injuries. Let's talk about the backpack I got for school a couple hours ago. Ugh, I really need to start having a canteen by my side the whole day because since we have dinner early and I sleep late, my tummy is growling by bedtime. 

Anyway, feast your eyes.

There really wasn't much of a choice, but I wanted one that would match my shoes. It's pretty nice, actually. Even though it looks more like a boy's backpack.

So, I cleaned my room and bed before sleeping. Thumbs up to me! 

Are you the kind of person who makes your bed before sleeping? Because, I, as a person who does, feel like it's easier to lie in bed after the blankets are all neatly laid out. But not tucked in under the mattress like they do at hotels. Those are impossible to get into. 

I redecorated my wall. I took all the certificates down. And I'm planning to put all the paintings back but  it's tiring and too much work. 

Why am I still writing here? It's 11 pm guys, I gotta sleep. Lol.

Until next time! :)


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