Multiple Stab Wounds

My belly feels like a witch's cauldron filled to the top with icky green goo and large, glossy bubbles. That is what citrus does to you. You want constipation? Eat a lot of Cuties! (The tangerines, not the people.)

Anyway, my brain for some reason thought I didn't post anything since 2015. When I opened this blog and saw that the last post was on January 10, 2016, I was like whaaaat? And then it all slowly came back to me: I'd made that HUGE post on Pre- and Post-2016 Events. Ah-ha!

So here's what happened since the last time I posted..... ~

I was going to talk about my backpack for school, but then I remembered I'd already done that....

Well, the day before school (January 20), we all had brunch at SA's house. My brother H and SA's sister MA weren't able to attend because H had developed a random and inconvenient headache, and MA was at school. Nr and her family were there as well. We're all homeschooling families, but I feel like we're all slowly going to become public schoolers.

After we ate some delicious pancakes and [halal] bacon strips, we prayed Dhuhr and then took a walk around the neighborhood. We came across a dog with a seemingly injured leg and tried to get its owner's attention, but the owner convinced us that the dog was fine. Which was a little suspicious, considering that the dog's leg bone was protruding and the skin was hanging.

When we got home, we played charades and then went to SA's room to watch Inside Out. That movie gave me so many feels. It was also one of those movies which takes time away from the characters I actually care about. It was focusing so much on Joy and Sadness and all I cared about was Disgust and Anger (yes, my two favorite characters). I don't wanna spoil it for anybody, but the really feely part was when Riley returned from the train station. Also, every time an island of personality broke down, I felt like bawling.

Nr and her brother left after the movie. For dinner, we ate mac and cheese (pumpkin flavored!) with a really good salad. While we ate, MA and I conversed in guy voices. Well, I mean, we tried. Her little brother AA even said, "Can you guys please?" LOL

Then my sister and I walked home. It took about thirty minutes. My feet were red and itchy when we finally got home.

The next day was SCHOOL DAY! I showered, heaved on my 8lb backpack, and slugged out of the door. The day was COLD. S took us to the library so I could attend my online English class. I was slightly late, which was pretty bad because I am the only student in the class (no joke). But anyway, we discussed characterization and homework. We ended early, so after chilling for a few minutes, H took me to our classroom. I braced myself for everyone to stare at me, and of course, stare they did. And it was easy for them to do so, because I sat in the front row. The teacher called roll, and when she called H's name and H said, "Here," the teacher couldn't find him. I was sitting right next to him, so when she looked in our direction, I pointed at him. She nodded and then called my name right after that. After roll, she began going through the syllabus. Then, all of a sudden, she made us write a three-paragraph essay in thirty minutes about either presidential politics or on Ethan Couch. I chose Ethan Couch because I really do not like politics. My essay was really really bad, although my writing usually isn't. But hey, how can anyone write a good essay on paper in thirty minutes? I need at least an hour!

Finally, English class was over, and H took me to Building T where my speech class is at. My speech class is the first one and H's is after mine. Soooo, H waited outside while I sat in class. There's another Muslim girl in my class and two Muslim boys. The teacher called roll and then began talking to us about speech and communication. Then she let us go and said we were gonna watch a movie next week and that we could bring snacks.

After that, I went to the cafeteria and ate my lunch, which was... oh, cake from yesterday and some kiwi slices and some homemade fries. It was pretty chill. I had to wait there for another hour because my brother's class ended at 3:20. My sister met me in the cafeteria and took me to the library to make my ID. (It turned out ugly. I'm sorry everyone, THAT'S NOT MY REAL FACE!! PROMISE!)

Anyway, we finally got home and we were hungry. We prayed Asr and then chilled in our rooms for the rest of the day.

Okay, there's a lot more to tell, but I need to take a break from writing and do something better with my life. I only came here to freewrite because my homework requires a LOT of writing.

So, 'til next time! ;3


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