I Need Inspo. Help

I think I sat here for a good few hours just thinking of something deep to write. But nothing really came to mind.

The plan was to do NaNoWriMo this year. And I did, I tried. I tried to revamp an old idea, I tried to take an entirely new idea, I tried again to revamp an idea, I tried to execute an idea I created, and then I resorted to writing about myself. None of it is sticking with me, and we're already halfway through November. And I feel awful because I need to write. I need to write everyday. Because it's part of my future and I need to be good.

My stomach is hurting right now. It's probably due to some spicy stuff my mom made. I like to think I'm allergic to chili just because I can't handle spice.

You know a girl is hot when she can't take any more heat! *wink*

Kidding. But it's 10:30 PM right now, and I need a sleep. Hopefully I will be back to continue this intentional rant tomorrow. Ciao!

Until next time! :)


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