Yes, It Matters. Keep Telling Yourself That.
I noticed that I haven't posted, and I keep wondering if I should let it go and not post or just keep posting regardless of what needs to be posted was weeks ago. But then I remember how much a memory remains with me if I write about it. So I'm just going to keep writing about my life.
Let's talk about the [ongoing] ID search. I lost it on September 11, and I'm just about done asking around looking for it. So I'm going to get a new one, but first, I need 10 dollars. I have no money. So I'll just wait till I have money. And I don't know when that'll be.
Let's talk about drills, the club fair, and the one time I stay home. I don't remember the exact date, but on either a Monday or Wednesday, there was a drill in class and we had to sit in the darkness for about 8 minutes. After that, we pretty much worked on our projects. I think on that same day there was a club fair in the student life breakroom. I stopped at one of the tables and they talked to me. They asked me about my major and my classes, and I mentioned that this wasn't technically my first semester at North Lake because I'd done dual credit classes here since last year. "Where did you go before?" they asked.
"So you must be smart then," said one of the guys.
I tilted my head to the side. "I guess," I laughed.
Later at home, I debated on whether to stay home or to go to Sh. Yaser's class at VRIC. I decided to stay home, and I had online Quran class at the same time anyway. But when the time came for class, the teacher announced in the WhatsApp group that she couldn't make it to class today. I was like, "Really? The one time I stay home!"
Let's talk about the second drill and polka dotted balloons. It was a Thursday, and we were all working on our projects on the computers. And then...
"This is a drill, this is a drill, this is a drill."
Prof. Black was like "aaaauuughhh" and he went to lock the door and turn off the lights. We sat in silence for about 8-10 minutes, and then we worked on our projects again.
Let's talk about my stress attack and Lindsey. Stress attack was Sunday night, where I had let my homework pile up and I had to watch a black and white film and screen cap a scene from it and make a rough sketch in my sketchbook of that scene to prepare for the value project. On top of that, I had to draw an egg on top of white paper, and I seriously would rather have just written a paper instead. I was going wild, talking to myself, regretting choosing an art major, and ranting about Lindsey who steals my pencils.
Okay, she doesn't steal them, and that was only once. But once she asked to borrow one of my artist pencils, and I was like sure. On that same day, James asked for one too, and for some reason I was much more friendlier with him than Lindsey, but I have some beef with her which is funny because we never talk. But I remember on the first day of class I walked in and I decided to take a seat next to her since she was the only other girl in the room at that time. She didn't seem very friendly though and I was like, great, I should've taken another seat. But I didn't.
Lindsey's nice though. She comments on my art sometimes. (When it's good.)
But one day, her friend Macy, who fainted on the first day of class, told Lindsey that she needed a pencil. I overheard Lindsey say, "She's got em." And out of the corner of my eye, I saw her gesture towards me. I was like REALLY? You want to just offer me and my pencils around like that? That's not how it works, Lindsey!!!
But Macy didn't ask me. Which was good. But I'd like to know why.
Anyway. that's the thing with Lindsey. There are three tables in the classroom, and I swear, they're divided perfectly among us, personality-wise. The annoying social people sit at the front table, the quiet, sensible people are in the middle, and the friendly social people are in the back. I'm in the middle. Yes, Macy and Lindsey are the annoying social people and they're in the middle table too, but they merge better with the front table people. One day when we were all working on out value projects which require paint and ink, everyone from the front table came to join us at the middle table and it was low-key highkey triggering me because there was no place for me to put my palette and paints and photo reference and my canvas was also pretty big not to mention. I was like WHY IS EVERYONE AT MY TABLE TODAY GO AWAY. But I managed, and my painting looked amazing at the end.
Anyway, that's that, let's talk about QT ice cream and a burnt floor. It was a Sunday, and after karate class, my sister took me to QuikTrip for 79 cent ice cream cones. I went in, karate uniform and all, with two dollars in my hand. The lady there was making a frappe, and she saw me and said "Yes?" And I said "Hi, can I get a--"
"Can you place your order on the screen and I'll be right with you."
I placed my order on the touch screen they have there, which is pretty legit, and then I watched the lady make a frappe for this other lady. Then, she turned on the ice cream machine, and she said, "Sorry babe it's frozen, I'm just going to warm it up a bit. Do you like frappes?"
She gave me some of the leftover frappe in a tiny cup, and I drank it while the ice cream machine warmed up. It took quite some time, so I walked around the store, looking at the donuts and drinks, while I waited. My sister finally came in, impatient from sitting outside in the car. And finally, the ice creams were ready. The lady walked towards us, carrying two really tall cones in her hands. "Here you go babes, sorry about that."
"It's fine, thank you!" I was really grateful to her and impressed with her friendly customer service.
"Alright, see you later," she said, and walked back into the kitchen.
See us later? I hoped so lol. Now listen, I'd had QT ice cream cones before, and they are never as tall as this one she'd given us. So I was super happy about that and thought she probably made them super tall to make up for the long wait. That was the best ice cream cone I'd ever had.
Later at home, I was chilling in my room with my sister, and then Z came in holding a giant water balloon. I wasn't watching when it happened, but suddenly the entire balloon exploded and water spilled all over our bedroom floor. We dried the floor with towels and S later continued with a hairdryer, and then...
"Ooh, I can IRON the floor!"
"No," I said. "You're going to burn it."
But she ironed the floor anyway, and to this day, it's still toasty dark brown at the tips.
There we go, I think I've caught up.
Until next time! :)
Let's talk about the [ongoing] ID search. I lost it on September 11, and I'm just about done asking around looking for it. So I'm going to get a new one, but first, I need 10 dollars. I have no money. So I'll just wait till I have money. And I don't know when that'll be.
Let's talk about drills, the club fair, and the one time I stay home. I don't remember the exact date, but on either a Monday or Wednesday, there was a drill in class and we had to sit in the darkness for about 8 minutes. After that, we pretty much worked on our projects. I think on that same day there was a club fair in the student life breakroom. I stopped at one of the tables and they talked to me. They asked me about my major and my classes, and I mentioned that this wasn't technically my first semester at North Lake because I'd done dual credit classes here since last year. "Where did you go before?" they asked.
"So you must be smart then," said one of the guys.
I tilted my head to the side. "I guess," I laughed.
Later at home, I debated on whether to stay home or to go to Sh. Yaser's class at VRIC. I decided to stay home, and I had online Quran class at the same time anyway. But when the time came for class, the teacher announced in the WhatsApp group that she couldn't make it to class today. I was like, "Really? The one time I stay home!"
Let's talk about the second drill and polka dotted balloons. It was a Thursday, and we were all working on our projects on the computers. And then...
"This is a drill, this is a drill, this is a drill."
Prof. Black was like "aaaauuughhh" and he went to lock the door and turn off the lights. We sat in silence for about 8-10 minutes, and then we worked on our projects again.
Let's talk about my stress attack and Lindsey. Stress attack was Sunday night, where I had let my homework pile up and I had to watch a black and white film and screen cap a scene from it and make a rough sketch in my sketchbook of that scene to prepare for the value project. On top of that, I had to draw an egg on top of white paper, and I seriously would rather have just written a paper instead. I was going wild, talking to myself, regretting choosing an art major, and ranting about Lindsey who steals my pencils.
Okay, she doesn't steal them, and that was only once. But once she asked to borrow one of my artist pencils, and I was like sure. On that same day, James asked for one too, and for some reason I was much more friendlier with him than Lindsey, but I have some beef with her which is funny because we never talk. But I remember on the first day of class I walked in and I decided to take a seat next to her since she was the only other girl in the room at that time. She didn't seem very friendly though and I was like, great, I should've taken another seat. But I didn't.
Lindsey's nice though. She comments on my art sometimes. (When it's good.)
But one day, her friend Macy, who fainted on the first day of class, told Lindsey that she needed a pencil. I overheard Lindsey say, "She's got em." And out of the corner of my eye, I saw her gesture towards me. I was like REALLY? You want to just offer me and my pencils around like that? That's not how it works, Lindsey!!!
But Macy didn't ask me. Which was good. But I'd like to know why.
Anyway. that's the thing with Lindsey. There are three tables in the classroom, and I swear, they're divided perfectly among us, personality-wise. The annoying social people sit at the front table, the quiet, sensible people are in the middle, and the friendly social people are in the back. I'm in the middle. Yes, Macy and Lindsey are the annoying social people and they're in the middle table too, but they merge better with the front table people. One day when we were all working on out value projects which require paint and ink, everyone from the front table came to join us at the middle table and it was low-key highkey triggering me because there was no place for me to put my palette and paints and photo reference and my canvas was also pretty big not to mention. I was like WHY IS EVERYONE AT MY TABLE TODAY GO AWAY. But I managed, and my painting looked amazing at the end.
Anyway, that's that, let's talk about QT ice cream and a burnt floor. It was a Sunday, and after karate class, my sister took me to QuikTrip for 79 cent ice cream cones. I went in, karate uniform and all, with two dollars in my hand. The lady there was making a frappe, and she saw me and said "Yes?" And I said "Hi, can I get a--"
"Can you place your order on the screen and I'll be right with you."
I placed my order on the touch screen they have there, which is pretty legit, and then I watched the lady make a frappe for this other lady. Then, she turned on the ice cream machine, and she said, "Sorry babe it's frozen, I'm just going to warm it up a bit. Do you like frappes?"
She gave me some of the leftover frappe in a tiny cup, and I drank it while the ice cream machine warmed up. It took quite some time, so I walked around the store, looking at the donuts and drinks, while I waited. My sister finally came in, impatient from sitting outside in the car. And finally, the ice creams were ready. The lady walked towards us, carrying two really tall cones in her hands. "Here you go babes, sorry about that."
"It's fine, thank you!" I was really grateful to her and impressed with her friendly customer service.
"Alright, see you later," she said, and walked back into the kitchen.
See us later? I hoped so lol. Now listen, I'd had QT ice cream cones before, and they are never as tall as this one she'd given us. So I was super happy about that and thought she probably made them super tall to make up for the long wait. That was the best ice cream cone I'd ever had.
Later at home, I was chilling in my room with my sister, and then Z came in holding a giant water balloon. I wasn't watching when it happened, but suddenly the entire balloon exploded and water spilled all over our bedroom floor. We dried the floor with towels and S later continued with a hairdryer, and then...
"Ooh, I can IRON the floor!"
"No," I said. "You're going to burn it."
But she ironed the floor anyway, and to this day, it's still toasty dark brown at the tips.
There we go, I think I've caught up.
Until next time! :)
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