Thanks, Acne

Most of the events I've been stressing out about have passed, and my stress level is diminishing. The only art-related 'things,' for lack of a better word, that I have left to worry about are the art class I teach for kiddies, and the illustrations I'm doing for that children's book. The other children's book I was hired to illustrate for is postponed till May, when I finish school for this semester. And hopefully IN-SHAA-ALLAAH, I'm getting a drawing tablet for all these illustrations, so everything will be slightly easier on me from now on. And I only have two sessions left for my kiddie art class: April 15 and 16. I'm kinda scared because I don't have an idea of what we should draw buuuuut I'll figure it out.

Finally, after all these art things are over, I can focus back on my writing. I've literally abandoned one of the books I was heavily working on for at least a month, and I'm afraid I'm going to let it slip into the past. But I'm not going to let that happen.

Funny my acne should lessen now, when my stress level is getting higher. Thanks, acne. Your timing is impeccable.

Honestly, yes, my acne is getting better, and quite surprisingly too. Hopefully it goes away by the end of this semester!

Lately I've just been way too impatient to eat a proper dinner with the fam. I just can't stand sitting down at the table in a proper position, facing my food, and moving only my hand and mouth, for an extended period of time. No. I just can't. No patience whatsoever. I only have tolerance for finger foods and things I don't take forever to consume. Is it ADHD? Some kind of mental or health issue? I don't know. I have no appetite. But when I do, I crave unhealthy foods. Help me y'all!

I think y'all can tell that my schedule is getting a little less crazy, because I'm starting to find time and patience to sit down and write a blog post. I literally took a one-month-long break from blogging. Not on purpose. It just happened. I couldn't find time, privacy, and patience.

As you can tell, I have a little bit of a problem with patience. We don't get along very well.

Until next time! :)


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