We're Short and Fat and Proud of That
I really wish "fat" wasn't considered an insult. People with a bigger build are sometimes even more beautiful than those who are referred to as "slim" or "skinny." Personally, I find more comfort with people of a bigger build. And when those kinds of people smile, their cheeks bulge in such a beautiful, joyful way that makes me just want to be in their aura, in their presence. Fat is an adjective to describe something giant in size. Thin, skinny, and slim are also all adjectives to describe things that are tiny. Let me repeat myself. Fat is an adjective. Not an insult. I don't know how and why this word was chosen to be an insult, but it really bothers me. I can't even comfortably describe a bigger character in my writing without a moment of hesitation. People, don't treat the word "fat" as a derogatory term, whether you're the one saying it or the one it is being said to.
Let me also bring attention to the word "short." This term is also treated as an insult. Why do we think we're empowering ourselves over others when we call them things like "shortie" or "midget" or "shrimp?" And why do we feel intimidated by those who are taller than us? More height is never treated as a bad thing, but less height is. Other than associating tall people with basketball, we don't really look at tallness as a bad thing. Do you ever hear anyone shouting, "tallie" at someone?" No, right? So, please, don't feel bad if you are short. It's all about perspective. To some you are short, and to others you are tall. Doesn't it bug you when younger kids stand next to you and say with an air of pride, "Look, I'm almost as tall as you and I'm YOUNGER than you!" Yeah, we've all gotten that. Don't treat your lack of height as a bad thing.
Looking at this matter in a different light, I can conclude that you shouldn't consider any bodily trait as something bad. None of our traits are of higher status than the others. Being fat isn't bad, neither is being thin. Being short isn't bad, and neither is being tall. Just love your body for how it is. You were chosen to fill a certain body. Remember to love your body. Love yourself.
Until next time! :)
I normally use the word "short" as a complement. Like you know how when people are short its adorable?