It's been a while.

A couple weeks back I was digging my foot into the fake hardwood floor of our apartment room (don't ask me, I'll never tell), and I felt a sharp pain digging into my big toe.

It was a tiny, tiny, tiny shard of glass.

Since Ummi always takes shards of glass out of our feet (or my feet, rather, because I always get myself injured in every situation), I waited for her to be done with her work so I could tell her to take it out. But she didn't have time for me. "Google how to take glass out of your foot."

Well, Google it I did. I found a source that told me to put glue on the disaster area and wait for the glue to dry, and then peel off the glue which will bring the glass shard with it. I was too lazy to sterilize a pair of tweezers, so I grabbed a glue bottle and slathered it over my toe. The glue took forever to dry and ran down my toe to the other toes and it just wasn't working, man. So eventually I washed the glue off, limped to Ummi's room to get the tweezers, and sterilized them.

By this time nobody was in the house except Z and me. Dad was at work, S was at college, and Ummi was with H in another city. I sat on the couch with the tweezers and struggled to pull the glass out. It was very difficult and I began to plan ahead for how I was to survive in the future with glass in my toe. All because I dug my foot into the hardwood floor (I'm smirking right now).

Right then and there, Allah helped me to pull it out. Time seemed to stop as I stared at the tiny piece of glass wedged between the tweezers. The pain in my toe ebbed away. A wide smile spread across my face, crinkling the corners of my glistening dark brown eyes. I leaped off the couch, chopping the block of frozen time in half, and gleefully dropped the piece of glass into the trash can. Then I washed my foot and began to cook dinner. I made rice, salad, fried potato slices, and delicious chicken that everyone loved. I was surprised that I managed to do all that right after pulling glass out of my foot. Thank you, Allah!

(Some of this story was exaggerated. Nothing was altered, though.)

Chill session has begun again! It's at a different masjid this time, which is kind of a drag because Dad isn't willing to drive that far, but other people can take us and it's actually more fun that way. Last Saturday we all climbed on the island in the masjid kitchen, eating ice cream and listening to whale sounds. Our friend Nr told us scary stories of her life and so did SA. It was a nice atmosphere. I wasn't cold. We were all comfortable sitting on the island. There weren't a lot of us, which made it all the more cozier.

Last Friday I took the TSI at the community college. I'll bet you I covered the keyboard and mouse in sweat. I was as nervous as a cow in a slaughterhouse. Okay, maybe that's a little too far. As nervous as an unemployed person at a job interview? Eh, sure. The essay was the worst part. They gave me a really difficult prompt, and in the end, I just put a few things together. The prompt was something like "are there limits to improving oneself?" My answer was so simple I didn't know how to divide it into three paragraphs.

As soon as I submitted the essay, I grabbed my stuff and hurried out of there. They printed out my score paper and gave it to me. I took it and then unlocked my bag from the black lockers. Then I waited until Ummi came to pick us up.

I got change for $20 at the cashier and bought a little bag of Sour Patch Watermelon slices from the vending machine. Taking them out of the machine was awkward because I'd never used the machine before, so I didn't know how to take the food out. I tried to push it, but that didn't work. Then this guy passed by and said, "You push it down."

I told him thanks and got my candy. Then Ummi picked us up. She went to the advising center and talked to the guy there who helped me with the vending machine, and then we left. We discovered at home that H and I passed the test. The computer was supposed to grade our essays. I don't know how that works, but my essay grade was pretty bad. Who cares? I passed...

Awright mates! Thank you for reading! sorry for not updating in weeks! Hope you enjoyed this post!

Until next time! :)


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