I Know That I'm Weak

Sorry for the weird title.

Anyway, the Islamic month of Rajab will start on Monday, which is also a certain someone's birthday. Today is the 27th of Jumaad'l Thaani. I told my brother Z that Ramadan would start in June, and he squealed in much excitement. Then I asked him, "Are you going to fast the whole month?" And he yelled, "Yeah!!" He seems much more excited about fasting then he did before, Alhamdulillah. I hope he fasts the whole month and tries his best! :D (Last year, he prayed some tarawih with us! :D)

I have about three weeks left to finish my school. I should be done with Algebra by May 8th. Some of my last classes occur on the first week of May. By at least May 11th all my school should be finished. And that consists of vocabulary, math, American government, botany, geology, English, literature, and World History. By the way, I set these deadlines for myself. :P Most of my friends finish their school in June, but in my previous area of residence, they finish in May. And I want to be ahead of them (heheheh) so I gotta speed up.

The rest of this empty space can be filled with a rant, if I can only think of a rant. I would rant about story writing again, but no one needs to read/hear it but me. Well, how about this. My hair is oily 'cause I used a weird concentrated soap Mom lent us yesterday, and when my hair was not completely dry, I put it up 'cause I had to go to Quran class. And it's still oily x_x!! But since I know a few things, I massaged it with water, so hopefully it should fluff up again.

I wish I could live in an area where I don't have to buy things. I wanted to bake something today, but the eggs are finished, and usually eggs are the most important ingredient in any baked good. They're like the glue of the batter. They bring everything together. I guess I would consider myself an egg since I'm a peaceful person and I bring people together if and when they argue or hurt each other. LOL, just kidding. Partly. My family would scoff at me if they read that. And I would, too. 'Cause it's partially false. My friends call me violent.

Oh yeah, one time at archery, my friend Han shot under the target where some hard plastic thing was, and she couldn't get the arrow out. I was like, "Let me try," so I grabbed the arrows and tugged with all my might. Han stared at my other friend Ri and said, "She's strong!" I was busy pulling the arrow out, but otherwise I would have laughed. I pulled the arrow while pushing away the target with my shoe-clad foot. And I got it out!! Han was like, "Yay! You did it!" And I held the arrow in the air and said, "Yeah!" Little snippets of my life. XD Sadly, I can't attend archery this weekend because this Saturday is a Great Day of Service!!! I don't know exactly what I'll be doing, but I hope I'll have fun helping my city a little. I just hope I don't miss archery's LAST session, which is April 25th.

Anyway, that was off-tangent. I was gonna say, I wish I lived on a farm near the city that's also near a forest and near a body of water. 'Cause then I can get eggs, milk, butter, cheese, flour, sugar, and et cetera for free. Right? Also I can hike through the forest and camp there and get dirty. I have realized recently how tired I am of man-made things. Everything except the humans and the food in my house is man-made! Like, hello! Can I go run down an endless grassy field with flowers please? And roll down a hill? And climb a tree? ^_^ <3

I want to go on, but I have to work. Until next time! :)


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